
From Tenebrous Isles
Revision as of 05:48, 20 August 2017 by Alnilam (talk | contribs)

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Yohko is a newcomer to Hawaii, but determined to accomplish her mission, no matter what. A talented and powerful Shinto Priestess who is guided by the goddess Amaterasu, she will stop at nothing to find and destroy the horde of demons who escaped from an enchanted mirror...If only she could get through the whole 'ordinary life' thing while she's at it.


Determined Shinto Priestess Emissary of Amaterasu


Finding The Right Balance


Dont Forgive, Never Forget
Avid Perfectionist
Mistaken Identity?

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Haruka - It would seem that destiny has brought us together again. I have not forgotten how you helped me to fight evil once before, and I hope we can be partners once again. It is good to see you again. I have missed you, dear friend..
Felix - It seems that this young man is not all that he seems. After watching him shift into a monster nearly as fearsome as the one we fought, I wonder if he is a Youkai himself..?
Grace - A strong, confident woman who did not hesitate to fight a Fomor with her bare hands.
Iolana - I really have no patience for fakes, however if you are a true psychic, your talents may be better used at the temple..
Isaac - Milk and beer do not go together.
Joachim - Somewhat nerdy Astrophysicist and friend of Haruka's. Also a professor at the college. Who tends to hold grudges.
Rick - He seems to have some magical talent of his own. Is he a fledgling priest..?
Robin - An over-eager, free spirited gardener. Not sure about this one yet.
Tabby - A foul-mouthed woman who also did not hesitate to join the melee. Are all American women so..Bold?
Yazhu - Mysterious, quiet and reserved. Reminds me of myself in many ways..

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Name: Yohko Minari
Age: 19
Place of Birth: Japan
Temperament: Quiet, Distant, Mysterious, Serious, Dedicated, Devoted, Determined, Selfless
Mantle: Emissary of Power
Patron: Amaterasu
Status: Brand new to Hawaii, finishing her studies as a herbalist and doctor.
Occupation: Herbalist, studying to be a Medical Doctor
Languages: English, Japanese
Theme Song: Coming Soon!
Alts: Iara, Muriel

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RP Hooks

Herbalist - Do you enjoy plants and gardening as well? Like to exchange notes on herbal lore and medicine? Well so does Yohko!
Religious Nut - Are you also obsessively religious? Do you like to hang out at the Valley of the Temples too?
Superstitious - Are you superstitious? Looking for a missing or lost precious item? Afraid you may be cursed? Need someone to bless your home? Yohko may be able to help!
Monster Problems? - Got a monster or other supernatural problem that needs killing or taken care of? Yohko is your girl!
Ghost Issues? - Are you being haunted by ghosts? Do you see dead people? Yohko may have something in common with you!
Fellow Student? - Yohko recently registered at the local college. Are you a fellow student who would be happy to help a lost foreigner get acquainted?

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None yet.