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Mindy The Bartender

A nice night out, really.

Dramatis Personae

Bjorn, Molly, Tabby, and Uma. Loa as GM. NPCs: Mindy and Ulah

31 July, 2009

Molly's search for information on Lu has led her to seek out Mindy at The Fallen Pig


Leeward Coast, The Fallen Pig


Plot:A Touch of Mischief

It's one of those lovely, perfect evenings on Oahu. Sunset had just happened and now the world is left in darkness that is pretty much infinite save for where alternate light sources than the stars and moon illuminated the world. Here on the Leeward side of the island, though, it was a sultry sort of cloudy night, filled with warmth and only occasional glimpses of the stars above.

The Fallen Pig was in full swing, people coming and going either by way of the swimming passage through the side of the cliff or via the submerged stairs that led in from the top of the cliff itself. Most people there were either in swimsuits or shorts, because it made little sense to wear something else to a bar that was at least waist deep in water. A few people sat at the bar itself, drinking, talking to the bartenders, and around the rest of the bar people floated or swam to the tables that were placed here and there, or rested against the cave sides, letting the water lap against them as if they were part of the place.

Behind the bar were two people, one male and one female. The man was a fairly scruffy looking Hawaiian, not large really, and deeply tanned with his messy hair pulled back into an equally messy ponytail of sorts, shocks of gray running through the black twines. One of his eyes was milky like it had long since been blinded and the other eye was very dark, like the pupil had blown eons ago and it had just never gone back to normal size. Despite that, his smile was easy under his thick, poorly maintained moustache and he laughed plenty with those ordering from him. It wasn't a small amount of people he welcomed with open armed hugs over the bar and a fully belly laugh. His bright blue and pink Hawaiian shirt was worn open, leaving his tanned skin obvious along his trim abdomen, but also displaying a few rather nasty looking slash-like scars on his torso, one of them looking suspiciously like a shark had tried to take a bite out of his side.

The woman behind the bar was quite frankly a knockout. Her rich, dark, hair hung in lazy, effortless waves down her back and seemed to never be mussed, and always stayed behind her shoulders without her having to push it there, unless she was being flirty with the people at the bar, at which point it seemed to fall forward for her to coyly look through at JUST the right moments. Her gloriously blue eyes were bright and in sharp juxtaposition to the hair, and when mixed with the perfectly clean and lovely shade of her complexion, they just stood out rather obviously. Her full lips were almost naturally pouting, but carried a smile like they were about to tremble, and that wasn't where her good looks stopped. The rest of her was just as alluringly proportioned, though she seemed determined to hide it somewhat in a black, one-piece swimsuit that seemed very demurely cut. Still, even though the cut of the suit might have made some look dour, this woman in particular could have walked out and sold 300 of them just from a 10 foot stroll along the beach. The cling of the material seemed to emphasize every gloriously shaped curve, and almost made itself suggestive no matter what direction she was viewed from, even if it didn't hardly display any cleavage and it certainly wasn't see through.

Molly has been hanging around in the bar since she swum down here a couple of hours ago; watching TV, having a couple of drinks, and entertaining the occasional flirt -- so far just from men, who as anyone who knows Molly is aware, really don't have a chance anyway. The young student is dressed in a black bikini, styled with a couple of blue and pink explosions of color over her right breast, made to look like fireworks. Her glasses are held in place with a cord around the back, and a waterproof camera dangles on a cord around her neck, alongside her usual silver cross and shark's tooth pendants. Now she sits at the bar, alone for the moment and happily nursing some tall alcoholic drink; several layers of different alcohol in different shades of pink and topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry, that she enjoys by means of a straw as she watches people come and go with some particular, hidden interest.

Uma had come with Tabby out to the bar. Nights where she didn't have to perform and likewise didn't seclude herself in her room working on new tricks for her performances were rare, so when they got a chance to go out, it seems the two might at least try for a good time indeed. While her hair was pulled back into a slinky ponytail that hung wet and thick down her back, that darkness along the slicked back line of her skull just made her facial features stand out more clearly. Uma's mismatched brown and blue eyes held crinkles at the corners as she smiled openly to tabby, her full lips spread into a wide, amused smile as she listened to the Latina speaking in rapid fire Spanish about this or that. The two of them had set up at a table not 10 feet from the bar and the tall, frothy looking drink that Uma had been diving into was already at least half gone, having died her tongue bright blue after the first swallow.

As for clothing, Uma had gone with the accepted wardrobe of the bar itself. Nothing but a bikini, leaving her long as hell legs bare and most of the rest of her as well. The bikini itself was brief and designed to look like it might give out at any moment while wrestling to maintain its control of her more obvious assets. Other than that, it was pretty, a shimmering, metallic green and teal that had scales sort of imposed into it, so the brunette looked like she'd stolen a few scraps of cloth from a mermaid at some point.

Tabby was wearing a hot pink bikini, sitting across the Tabby from Uma as she picked up a massive fishbowl of drink filled with pineapple chucks in a sea of blue alcohol. The latina continued her story, or ramblings as more alcolhol soaked into her system. She glanced at the bar at Ulah and back to Uma, "I think he makes me this because I have the luck of seeing him when he's passed out behind the bar. I'll be completely trashed by the time I'm finished it, but the water keeps me awake enough to stumble outside. It's basically the perfect drink."

Bjorn has been enjoying time away from teaching class and grading projects. When not working on his suuuper secret project (tm) He's done the usual hiking or exploring the island. Today landed him finally at the Pig, having only been there once before during the day he got to enjoy a different feel of the establishment. Green board shorts, and a grey shirt, tonight's saying 'Zombies Hate Fast Food'. He makes his way up to the bar and blinks a few times, distracted by the female bartender and probably forgetting what he was going to order, though some familiar faces at the establishment snap him out of it, the big man offering a wave, though otherwise not bothering what appears to be the forming of a ladies night out.

Ulah was busy regaling a group of young men at the end of the bar, his voice booming as he called out with a cheesy, huge smile "Ey! I'm telling you, brah. You don' wanna be anywhere near that place when Pele goes down the way and give her dirty lick'ns to them that do the bad things. Choke people think that Auntie would be somethin' to see, til they see her, and realize they bad, too." He nodded sagely and reached out to fill shot glasses one after another to lubricate the understanding of the young men at the bar. When Bjorn walked in, Ulah lifted his chin to him and gave a cheerful "Howzit, brah?!" To the nordic man before he glanced around the bar in general to see if anyone needed refills.

Mindy, for her part, just kept taking orders as they were given to her, politely grinning at people, chuckling every so often. She, it would seem, wasn't quite as gregarious as her male counterpart, but didn't seem any less friendly, just not quite as filled with stories to gush at the world. Looking up at Bjorn, Mindy flashed him a smile that should have come with a Pacemaker warning attached and motioned him closer. "What'll it be, big guy?" Her voice carried a lilt of something european, vaguely English, but muddled, like it was in the process of dying and becoming almost completely smothered by the local roll of vowels and consonants. Still, what a voice. Honey and smokey, just enough to be dark and utterly suggestive at the same time, even while Mindy herself was just asking what someone wanted to drink.

Molly, for her part, hasn't downed enough of her drink for it to need any form of refilling -- not that you *could* refill it anyway, even if you wanted to. It's not exactly a beer. Not that Molly even drinks beer -- hard liquor is always so much more fun. The young student stands and stretches, arching her spine and pushing her chest forwards as she yawns, before picking up her drink and moving to a bar stool closer to where the primary action is happening -- or at least, closer to where people are talking. She takes a look towards the door on her way over, then scans the room once more, before settling down once more and having a sip of her drink.

Uma snickered and raised her dark brow up in an arch over her bright blue eye. "So you're saying that the bartender's trying to get you just trashed enough to be able to make it out of his bar. Not up the cliff after?" She chuckled and toyed with the straw sticking up out of her bright blue, frothy drink, then sucked more of it away, eyes sparkling. "Sounds like a great bartender to me." When she spotted Bjorn, Uma turned slightly on the barstool she was perched on, immersed up to her waist in water, and kicked up her leg a little along with lifting her hand, like she was avoiding falling off the stool with the counter weight as she waved to the big man. "Bjorn! Hey there!" Her obviously American accent, by way of the East Coast no less, but nothing near as jarring as New York or Rhode Island, colored her words and made them fairly precise. "You're welcome to come join us for a drink, man. I'll even buy you a round, as long as you aren't drinking top shelf anything." Uma glanced over at Tabby and winked to her. "Unless of course you're sharing, and buy us a round, too. Then I can negotiate." Molly got a friendly, blue-tinted, smile as she got up and moved to a different position at the bar.

The latina grinned at Uma, "Honestly, it's calculated so I end up howling in the night like a proper loco loba." Tabby grinned, "His fascination with sharks puts me off. With my complexion, it's clear I'm supposed to be absorbing the sun directly, not through the lense of a scuba mask. As a side note, sharks aren't just attracted to blood, it's basically all mammalian secretions." She thumbed to the bartender again before directing the straw back to her lips to take another drink, swallowing it down. Tabby offered a smile to Bjorn before looking back to Uma, "And on that note, exactly why you're not supposed to be tied down. Blonde mountains."

Looking at the bartender Bjorn replies, "S-.. ahem. God Kveld. A beer I suppose, something local perhaps, and flavorful? Any recommendations?" He clears his throat some, especially after the Freudian slip, focusing back on Uma. At the offer from Uma he smiles and will make his way over after working out a drink with the bartender motioning to bring it down by Uma. He moves careful not to create a tidal wave of water as he moved, though the water was shallow enough that made movement easier for the big man and says his accent softening back to more Northeastern, "Ladies, how's it going tonight? And thanks for the drink Uma."

Ulah was continuing with his stories, moving on now to tales of fish... fish that dance with the lava fonts... Yeah he was getting colorful, too, talking about the flicky tails under the water, and how if something were to hit that lava font they get 'Maki Die Dead' so fast, you braddah don' even know... It was at least a rousing tale, and his voice carried enough that people were grinning about the story of the dancing fish and glancing over to listen every so often despite their personal conversations.

Mindy gave Bjorn a warm smile and a nod. "I've got exactly what you want, and I'll bring it over." Near Freudian slip or not, Mindy's words were oddly suggestive compared to her fairly matter of fact movements as she filled a pint-sized glass up with a draft from the tap ahead of her. Even that motion was strangely sensual, though, like nothing her fingers touched remained inanimate for long. When Molly moved over and repositioned herself closer to being directly in front of where Mindy was, Mindy looked up and offered the young woman a smile that precisely coincided with a 'Pop' as the air compressor shut down and she finished filling Bjorn's glass. "Anything else I can get you, lovely?" She nodded toward Molly's drink. "If you don't like that one, I'm sure I can come up with something that will get your knees wobbly." Evidently, the sultriness of this particular barmaid wasn't limited to being directed at women. Or it just came from Mindy so effortlessly that it couldn't have been directed if it wanted to be. Mindy set the beer down to let the head chill out a bit as she poured a refill of a bright purple alcohol into a glass and mixed it with some coconut milk, making a pretty, lilac colored beverage for another order.

Molly flashes a grin at Mindy, "Oh no, this is perfect. It's just one of those drinks that I prefer to sip and enjoy, and not just slam back like a shot of tequilla." She emphasizes her point by putting her lips to the straw and sucking back perhaps more than she meant to. But, hey, it's good." Molly has definitely had a couple, and even were she completely sober she wouldn't fail to notice feminine sultriness. Booze, however, makes the lingering of her eyes on Mindy just a bit more... obvious, especially when they flick downwards for a moment, then back up. "Wobbly knees has a certain attaction to it, though, especially when it's not a school night." She looks back over towards the greater part of the conversation, and lifts one hand to wave energetically to Uma. "Hi!" she greets, "Have we met before? I feel pretty positive I know you, I just can't remember where from."

Uma grinned and shifted back to be facing Tabby so that Bjorn would have space at the table to join and her legs wouldn't be in his way as he settled. Big man needs room badly! She grinned a lopsided set of lips at Tabby and shook her head. "I heard that about sharks, yeah. I don't know just how fascinated I am with them, though I was flirting with the idea of doing something with a shark tank at some point. I'd have to get to know the things a bit better, though. And I might want to grow like... gills or something." Uma snickered and looked back over at the approaching form of Bjorn as Tabby mentioned the reason to be 'single', and couldn't help blushing just a touch as she looked the man up and down. "You know... there's nothing wrong there, nothing at all. BUT... I really like my man. He's so good, and you can't even say he's not totally sexy. In like that, compact, holy hell you're hot, kinda way. Besides, Kai's just a great guy. Not that Bjorn isn't, but... Yeah, no, I'm good. You should go climb him, though. I bet he's fun, like Everest without the need for cold weather gear." Uma glanced back to Tabby and winked at her with her one blue eye, before Molly got her attention. Turning slightly on her stool, Uma looked at Molly curiously and shook her head, finally chuckling. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know you? You might have been to one of my shows or something, though. I have a steady gig over at the Turtle Bay resort, I'm their in-house Illusionist." She tipped an imaginary hat to Molly. "Uma the Great. Is that where you've seen me?"

Tabby grinned as she shot a glance at Bjorn, "Currently working towards my optimal level of buzzed while maintaining enough coordination to break a skull or two if necessary. Admittedly, it's not usually a problem here." She gave a nod to Ulah before looking back to Uma. "And here I thought you were above using children or animals in your act. They're basically the two things that can't be trusted to do what you want them to do." Tabby took another drink from her fishbowl, zeroing in on Uma's blush and gently clearing her throat, "You have a wonderful man, and it's not place to comment on where he lands on the scale of sexy. Too low, and you'll start questioning my judgement. Too high, and you'll lose your trust in me. So... He's perfect for you, and may anyone that says otherwise be struck down by lightning." Her attention shifted to Bjorn, "May your shoreline be unyielding, and many a women part like a ship on your shores." Tabby glanced at Uma, then to Molly, "El Grande," she corrected Uma.

The tide is low and ebbing.

Bjorn chuckles as Uma and then Tabby discuss, well climbing mountains, parting ships to shores and the like. He shrugs and then pats both of their shoulders. "Much appreciated though I'm fairly off the market now... at least not without a long conversation with someone first." Still, he waits for the bartender to get his drink for him and takes it, smiling at Mindy. "Thanks love." He looks to the ladies and adds as Molly mentions perhaps knowing Uma, "Unless of course she was around one of the times we all got into trouble. Trouble does have a way of finding people on this Island I've noticed..."

By this time, Ulah had completely stopped pouring drinks and the people gathered around his part of the bar were staring at him, listening to the story of the first time... yes the first time... he'd ever been bitten by a shark. From how he spoke of them, there was much adoration "You guys don't seem to understand. Sharks, they're da kine. Gentle, wonderful creatures. They really only bite when you touch their private parts... Which I kind of did on accident, and then this wahine mano decided I needed the dirty lickin's just like Pele would if I'd pissed on her pottery." Ulah laughed and opened his shirt a little, better revealing the rather impressive half circle of shark-formed scar he had on his abdomen. "She just wanted to make sure I didn't want beef, neh? So she didn't take me out, she just dropped me from Moke to good Kane with one nip!"

Mindy chuckled softly, the sound harmonic and almost musical despite its quiet, as she listened to Ulah describing his singular insanity. She glanced at Molly from where she'd finished mixing the other drink and almost implied a wink rather than gave it. "There's never anything wrong with wobbling the knees, especially if it means you don't have to worry about walking the next day." Mindy's smile grew a bit and she picked up the pint of Hula Hefewiezen she'd poured for Bjorn. Her stroll out from behind the bar was somehow eye catching enough just from the slight movement she put into it that it looked like something she had to have put years of effort into perfecting. The water swirled around her just so to emphasize her hips, the light caught on the angles and planes of her body, the curves becoming like slinky, glowing mounds, and a fair number of heads turned to watch her move without breaking away from their conversations. When she set the beer down in front of Bjorn's seat, she did it with a smile. "There you go, big guy. One Hula Hefe, it's good stuff, almost like drinking exotic banana bread." The scent of her somehow overcame the smell of salt water, and it lingered behind her, something sweet and gentle, like an opening lily in the sunlight, dripping with dew. The walk back behind the bar wasn't at all disappointing, and eyes followed her along as she set the purple drink down for another patron on the way. Once Mindy was back behind the bar, she started taking orders again, filling them deftly and seeming to cover for Ulah's lack of working while he spun his tale, like it was something she was terribly used to doing.

A bit more of Molly's drink disappears up the straw, and she giggles softly at Mindy's comment. "No, I don't have to stand much, I just have to be able to remember ot make it down to the Univeresity on time in the afternoon, so I can model for one of the life studies classes. Good money and a lot of fun for just... sitting still for a couple hours." She pauses, and hmmms, tilting her head to Uma, "I don't know, I'm not sure I remember. But, I'll definitely come to one of your shows if you're doing more in the near future, and then I can find out, yeah?" The young student's British accent shines through prominently as she talks, "Do you ever take volunteers from the audience? Maybe you can put me in a box and saw me in half or something." She sucks a bit more drink up the straw, and hunhs softly, "Sharks, by the way, are really really cool, and I wouldn't object to being in the water with them." she pauses, "I just, I dunno, I think I object to being dinner for one, that's all. I don't think I know them well enough to be able to... know when I'm on the menu. I feel like that's a problem."

Uma shook her head and glanced back at Tabby to give her a wide smile. "I already trust you with everything, Tabs. Come on, I can trust you with my man. And if I can't, well, I probably can't trust the man either. Would be a wholesale cleanout of everyone I trust on the island." Uma grinned and sucked down some more of her drink before she looked back at Molly and jerked her thumb toward Tabby. "Tabby's right, sorry, El Grande Uma, if you speak a lick of Spanish." Despite the statements about having a boyfriend, even Uma's eyes moved to watch Mindy wander to the table, then back to behind the bar. She sighed, then shook her head. "I swear to GOD... I don't know why, but I always feel like the ugly step-sister when that woman's in the room." Uma chuckled and picked her glass up so that she could take a properly huge couple of swallows of the frothy thing. She looked at Bjorn and grinned, reaching over to pat his shoulder in a congratulatory fashion. "Congrats, Bjorn. Nice to know you've got someone seeing to the needs of the lumbering mountain. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Slayer of all things Crabby and mean." There was genuine affection there, making it obvious that Uma valued the presence of the big man at their table. When Molly mentioned wanting to come to one of her shows, Uma turned to look at her again and grinned. "I do 3 shows a week, over at the resort. You're more than welcome to come to any of them. In fact if you give me your name, I can put you on the list for a night, or a couple nights, you might want to come and get you a box seat. It's pretty cool. I don't usually drag up people to saw them in half, I stopped doing that trick when I was still in middle school, but I do drag people up for other things. It's fun, though, and I've never actually lost anyone I made disappear yet!"

Tabby narrowed her eyes at Bjorn, "On or off the market, this is tame banter that I'm sure you're accustomed to in every bar you're been in..." She paused a moment, the corner of her mouth lifting in a wolfish smirk, "Perhaps not in your home country where no man is created shorter than 6 foot and no woman knows cup sizes below C's." The latina took another sip from her straw, giving a slight shake of her head. "By my reckoning, trouble is always present. If you take the time to look for it, it's right there. This island is no different from New York, which puts it light years between Baltimore or New Orleans." She paused again as Mindy dropped off Bjorn's drink, her nostril flaring to pull at the scent in the air until the bartender left. Tabby shook her head and growled, her attention shifting back to Uma, "At least you have las tetas. I feel like I need to rush to the restroom to doublecheck the packing in my training bra. Then I devolve into a personal dialog about how she has a terrible personality... The sadness being I'm the biggest loca loba that I know..." The latina stared daggers at Mindy, and took a deep breath, "And yet I love you, Mindy!" She forced a smile that may have showed too many teeth.

Brindled clouds conceal a few patches of starlit sky.

Bjorn smiles as Mindy departs and takes a sip of his drink, nodding in appreciation. He'll have to tip her later for the drink. "True, especially here, Chicago and Los Angeles not as much." Still he offers a wink, and then just grins as Tabby calls out to Mindy. He otherwise grows quiet and lets The other two discuss audience participation, while he listens to that some and the tale going on by the other bartender, sipping his drink all the while.

Ulah was laughing now, leaning back after one of the guys he was regaling had gone white as a sheet when he described having to pry a shark off his leg. Obviously the jovial man was revelling in the haole's response but his laughter had the effect of causing several others to join in, like it tickled them somehow and couldn't be entirely ignored. Even the now rather pale young man laughed with an almost nervous edge to it.

Mindy joined in the laughter, shaking her head, her hair flying about her with so much artful sway that it looked like she was being filmed in slow-motion. "Oh Ulah, I swear. You're going to make someone pee themselves one of these days." Mindy grinned at the bartender, then looked over at Tabby and blew her a kiss. "I love you back, Tabby. Especially because you keep coming back and letting Ulah give you whatever crazy thing he'll fix up." Amusement had Mindy's crystal blue eyes shimmering as she looked at Molly and bit her lower lip, shaking her head. "MMmm, no. The problem is that you're always on the menu, any time a shark is hungry. And they're hungry pretty often. I don't even risk going into the water with that crazy man over there, because he just dives right in, no matter how many sharks are around him. I stick to the pool, or the shallows, during the bright daylight hours. I'm not a fan of losing a leg to a hungry set of teeth."

Molly smirks, and shakes her head. "Yeah, well, I guess I sorta figured that about sharks. But, it wouldn't be the first time I've been next to something that viewed me as an appetizer, so I suppose there's that at least." she pauses, and pats the shark's tooth hanging on a cord around her neck. "My girlfriend tells me this'll protect me, so I wear it, but I still think there's no real substitute to having your wits about you." She pauses, and tilts her head towards Uma once more, "Molly," she replies, "Molly Winehouse, formerly of England and now working on my citizenship here. And by working on it, I mean dilligently hanging around and refusing to leave until they gie it to me." She shrugs, and glances back and forth between the various women present. "Well, let me just say that all of you make me feel like a frump." she picks up her drink and slurps down the remainder of its contents, before setting the glass down and adjusting her glasses. "So, I..." she pauses, trailing off and getting the 'I forgot my train of thought' look. She glances at Bjorn, as if he might tell her, before looking back to Mindy. "Please, make my knees wobbly now."

Uma blew a raspberry at Tabby, her lips touched with just enough blue that it fit the whole concept of blowing a raspberry far too perfectly. "You have an ass, most people don't get a fine ass. You already have half the competition blown away, Tabs, and you know it." She went so far as to stick out her blue tongue at the other woman, and then took another huge swallow from her frothy drink as she listened to Bjorn and then nudged him, giving him a grin. "Notice how he didn't mention missing his homeland and all the big boobs?" She gave Tabby a waggling set of eyebrows before she looked over at Molly and shook her head. "Nonsense, you're perfectly lovely. If you were a frump, you'd be wearing a muumuu in here while everyone else was dressed to swim." Uma grinned and sucked on more of her drink. "Nice to meet you, Molly... huh, hey you don't happen to know a guy named Kai, do you? He mentioned something about a university friend of his that wanted to have us over for dinner or something at some point."

Tabby arches an eyebrow at Bjorn, "And here you are behaving yourself. It's good to see not all men are cerdos. To be honest, most women are too." She gestured to the center of her chest, "I promise to do all the mental undressing that is required." The woman grinned, glancing at Molly, "I applaud you. Most would require a half dozen shots to go straight for the throat. Good for you." The latina laughed, glancing at Mindy, "Your tip is dependent on realizing we're all bathing in the same stew here." Tabby smiled at Uma, "Gracias. But realize that checking at my ass requires someone's eyes leaving the plain that that you're tetas exist on. My ass draws little of the conversation, especially when I'm residing on it or when it's submerged like it is now. This culo shines when I walk away and someone realizes they lost their chance." The latina took another drink from her fishbowl.

Bjorn chuckles lightly and sets his drink down. "Well, I can sometimes be a breast man... sometimes ass... Pretty much I think beautiful is beautiful. The most sexy organ I find however is the one between ones ears." He goes back to sipping his drink, though he pauses again to add, "The T and A are just icing on the proverbial cake." He waggles his brows and works on finishing off his glass. Apparently he enjoyed the drink considering how fast he downed it.

Ulah seemed to have finished off his 'fish' stories for the moment, and with a start seemed to remember that he was supposed to be helping out with tending bar. He started filling people's drinks, taking the extra load off of Mindy so she wasn't working like she needed 4 arms to keep up. He still talked every so often to people, giving them happy responses to random questions, making suggestions for drinks and what not, but he'd let the guys gathered at the end of the bar devolve into conversations mostly among themselves.

Mindy patted Ulah's shoulder fondly as he started to work again, then was able to slow down and take a deep breath, lifting a bottle of water so she could take a drink, and making the motion rather delightful for anyone viewing it. When Molly asked for her knees to be made wobbly, Mindy just winked at her and picked up a mixer to start pouring in a rather varied and large amount of alcohol into it. "Wobbly knees, I can do. Hell, I might even get you to have wobbly thighs when I'm through with you." Ice went into the mixer, and instead of shaking it up and down, Mindy shook it from side to side, pulling out a glass with her other hand. "This one's a Hawaiian Classic. Demonstrates the island and the sea... all of it meant to knock you onto your ass." Mindy's smile was curved saliciously to a wicked grin as she poured the frosty alcohol into the tall glass, the colors going from a dark, almost purple blue, up through the shades of blue, into a cool, clean, peach. She topped the drink off with a spray of alcohol infused foam. Which she then set on fire. As she set the drink onto the bar ahead of Molly, Mindy blew across it and the fire snuffed out, leaving the foam atop it just a touch charred, and bringing the scent of lilies in the sun to Molly's nose, like the woman's breath even smelled that sweet, and with touched by the heat of the fire it really did call up the thought of sunrise on flower petals, damp with dew. "Here you go, love. Enjoy it, and good luck walking without having to tie your knees together once you've finished." Once the drink is tasted, it's surprisingly fruity. For all that alcohol that had been thrown in, the flavors brought to mind were peach, berries, and some sort of sweet, coconutty overlay. With as much alcohol as was in the drink, it was surely one of those that you should imbibe in cautiously, or end up drunk off your ass in no time.

Molly takes a sip of the drink, experimental at first, before taking a bigger mouthful. "That's delicious," she observes. "I can't guarantee I'll still be wearing my bikini top by the time I'm done drinking it, mind you, but it's completely fantastic, thank you." she grins at Mindy, before turning to bah and waves her hand at Uma and Tabby, "Now I know you two are just being polite. But, I appreciate it, so thank you for that." Her nose wiggles to adjust her spectacles, and she leans back against the bar where she's sitting. "Also, you can make me disappear any time you like, if it's up on stage. If you happen to lose me, don't worry, I promise I'll find my way back. I'm good like that; I tend to refuse to be dislodged no matter how hard people try. Call it a bad habit." She has another sip from the drink, and perks an eyebrow upwards at Bjorn. "Well, fine, but if you had to pick, what would it be? Breasts or posterior? ...I've always preferred breasts. Bigger ones than mine, anyway. ...More fun to play with that way."

Uma smirked over at Tabby and then, unable to help herself, broke out into a full on, million watt smile, and leaned back a little to give a little shimmy, demonstrating the rather fantastic ability of her large breasts to dance. "These got me into so many clubs when I was underage. Now they just get me free shit, and work as a fantastic distraction. I won't deny the power, but I also think you are seriously downgrading the quality of what you're sitting on, mama caliente." She looked over at Bjorn and made the requisite "awwwwww" when he mentioned being a 'brain' man. "That's so awesome, Bjorn. I bet your woman is smart AND sexy, though. I can't imagine you with some woman that's not just like, seriously hot. It doesn't fit in my head." She tapped her temple gently, grinning. Uma's eyes were still glimmering when she looked back at Molly, then chuckled brightly. "A breast woman, nothing wrong with that. I'm totally an ab fan, though. Abs for DAYS leaves me weak in the knees. Maybe I'm just a torso person. The whole torso. That's a hot area for me. Yeah." Uma sighed happily and took another drink. "Seriously though, do you know Kai, Molly? Or are you another Molly? I'm sure there are lots of Mollys on the island at any given time, but he said something about you being from Oxford or somewhere in the UK?"

Tabby plucked out a chunk of pineapple and munched it down as she let out a laugh, "I think I've heard that line before, yet in my personal experience, I never found that I needed to rub one out while doing my math homework. What ultimately turns you on is between your ears, we build our own kinks and decide what turns us on or repulses us." The woman played with a straw as she glanced to Molly grinning, "It's Oahu. Everyone loses their top here. It's a rite of passage." She gestured to Uma, "Or if you're this one, we just call it Tuesday because someone assumes there is no show that she can get wasted." Tabby nodded in agreement with Uma, "There are degrees of jealousity that you have to manage. Basically the lowest you can go is a woman that manages to intimidate the average woman else you're just asking for any woman that can weigh your girl's flaws against her own and getting too brave. Just my suggestion to make your life easier."

Bjorn hmms at Tabby's comment. "True there is base physicality that's indead what...gets the party started. But intelligence is very sexy." Glancing at Uma he says, "True, she's very beautiful. But I enjoy her passion of her work, her kindness... Engaging conversations about life..." He then mutters under her breath as he goes to flag one of the bartenders for a refill, "Or that she's deadly as hell..."

Ulah patted Mindy's back and then leaned closer to whisper something to her quietly before walking to the exit along the submerged stairs and heading up the cliff, disappearing from view. It didn't seem like a bad time, either, as people were starting to leave the bar as the post-sunset rush thinned out a bit. Most were heading somewhere for dinner around now. It left the environment a bit more calm in the bar. Or maybe that's just because Ulah left and had stopped spinning his fish stories.

Mindy laughed in that gloriously musical way she had, then shook her head. "If you lose your top, I'll just have to figure out a way to get you to cover up, or help out. That's how it works here. If you're the one that gets someone wasted, you take care of them until they can take care of themselves, or until someone else comes to pick them up and take over." Mindy winked at Molly and began gathering up empty, and partially empty, glasses from the bartop where the larger group of guys had left them on their way out to the open swim exit from the bar, into the sea. She was efficient, quick, but the movements still carried that gloriously watchable quality.

The tide is low and slack.

Molly ehs, and shrugs her shoulders, "Wouldn't be the first time I've snuck home with less clothes than I ought to have. Everyone who meets me seems to think I'm this cute and innocent little sweet thing who'd never do anything wild, but that's... not... really the truth." she smirks, and sucks back another mouthful of the rather fantastic drink. "This is really good. I-- OH!" She grins at Uma, "Yes, I know Kai, he's fantastic. and I'm probably the British university student he mentioned, yeah. I'm actually from London, but I went to school in Oxford until my parents got done with chasing me off the entire island and I ran all the way around the world to here, and hopefully this'll be refuge enough." She pauses, tilting an eyebrow upwards at Tabby. "Rite of passage, hunh? Well, am I ready, or should I save it for later?"

Uma nodded to Tabby. "Tuesday it is!" She laughed and polished off the last of her drink, sucking it down and then squinting as she managed to get herself solidly brain frozen. "OH MAN... whew... ok. I think we need dinner. Bjorn, do you want to come to dinner with us? Molly, if you wanted you're welcome, too. But I need to get some food in my belly before we get any more real alcohol, or I'll forget to eat tonight." Uma snickered and glanced at those gathered. "And it's cool that you know Kai, he's very good people." She waggled her eyebrows, as she obviously thought he was VERY good people. One would hope that of a girlfriend. "You have to tell me stories about your deadly girlfriend now, Bjorn. Does she kill spiders?" Uma stood up, the water sheeting down her shapely abdomen over her hips, and she motioned to the exit that led toward the sea. "I'm going out the fun way! Thank you for the drinks, Mindy!" And with that, Uma sent herself underwater and started swimming out with her mermaid print swimsuit glinting under the surface.

Framed by a rack of clouds, the waning gibbous moon rises into the deep blue of the starlit sky.

Tabby frowned a touch, "The last part is where the trouble comes in. You're basically in a relationship that your out requires not creating a mujer loca. Take me for example. While I was a cop, men were keenly aware I could put them on their ass and have them in cuffs before they could draw their next breath. I am also a latina which have a reputation for slapping, throwing things, and lighting their boyfriends' clothes, house, and car on fire. All these things are in the back of peoples' minds. So when you say deadly... I get the impulsion it may not be worth trying your luck." The latina chuckled, "I can't think of anyone in your weight class, so even I'm taking note about pressing my luck flirting with you." She eyed Uma, "And you should behave as well. I really don't want to test my mettle in this instance." Tabby chuckled and nodded in reply to Molly, "You're only ready if you're ready for Ulah's assessment and can appreciate him leering at you. Grinning as Uma stood up, Tabby took several drinks from her fishbowl, pausing to pant before redoubling her efforts to finish her drink off. Breathing heavily, she plucked out a slice of pineapple as she stood and slipped off her submerged stool. "Ulah... Someday, I'm going to end up swimming straight into the ocean on my way out of this place, then I'll end up using your advice... My beg is no one finds the body." The latina made her way towards an exit, stopping off to get her wallet from a locker, then she was off to follow Uma.

Thinking a moment as he set his empty glass down for Mindy to take care of when she was done with the table, Bjorn thought a moment about something Uma said. "Abs?" He thinks a moment and looks down. "Yeah I can see that, it's one of the reasons I wear my shirt. I figure fair is fair, if you all have to have something up top I might as well too." He raises a brow at Tabby's comment, and then offers a shrug and a sheepish look. At the question of getting some dinner he says, "Sure, dinner sounds good. Lead the way." He offers a wave to Mindy as well as a "Take care and thanks for the beer."

Mindy lifted a hand and waved it to the people leaving, giving a wide, friendly smile that could have lit the deepest coal mines in the midwest. "You guys take care and have fun!" Then she went back to cleaning up the bar post rush, sorting the glasses to the back that needed to be run through the dishwasher, which was an odd one, and held where no one could see it, since it had to be above the water level.

Molly gives a chuckle, and shakes her head. "Nah, everyone's taking off. I'll save my rite of passion until next time. I wouldn't want to be doing that with Ulah being the only one here to witness it." She gulps down a bit more of her drink, and shakes her head, "I'll join you all for dinner another time, yeah? I think after this drink I'm going to stumble home and, I dunno, be really drunk. It'll be great."

The tide is low and rising.