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Backstage Pass

Box Seats

Tabby: Foul mouthed Latina, I'm seriously glad I learned Spanish during my bad-boy phase, or I couldn't keep up with her clever insults.

Front Row

Bjorn: Dude saved me from the worst case of retribution ever. And then helped me kill a whole family of crabs.
Carver: Interesting ex-soldier boy. Battle wounded, but his one eye works just fine.
Felix: Cute fellow, likes magic, and is friendly. Doesn't seem too shy, either.
Haruka: Talented with illusions, too. So that's cool. Also, spunky.
Healani: Awesomely foul mouthed and I watched her beat a snake half to death with her cane. Baddass little Hawaiian bitch, she is.
Ink: Big dude that seems to have no problem heading off when he doesn't give a shit. Might need to learn that trick.
James: Has a quick sense of 'I got this' followed by a quick sense of 'I'm out', and definitely has the resting bitch face down.
Joachim: Guy seems to know a good lot about a good lot, and seems to like getting into the weird shit.
Keegan: Fast to stand up for a really, really, hot stranger's honor, so at least he's got some sort of moral compass?
Rick: Seems like a real mellow guy, but also seems to know most everyone. Probably the dude everyone likes to be around when they're hash faced.

Full Cover