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Pele's Crossing Guards

Pele's Guardians don't like Oceanic Things

Dramatis Personae

Bjorn, Haruka, Ink, James, Joachim, Tabby, and Uma. Loa as GM.

16 October, 2008

Some very bad Sand Creatures decided on a bad night to take the beach


Leeward Coast, Volcanic Beach


Plot:Pele's Kids

On this beautiful, absolutely perfect mid-October's evening, things on the Volcanic Beach are looking pretty nice. There's not too many people out, as most of them during this time of night were off having dinner, or at the Paradise Cove luau. Instead, the dark sands of the volcanic beach welcome just a sparse number of visitors, who likely had stayed through the sunset to watch it. And now, the stars overhead and the quarter moon shines down to illuminate all of the rolling footprints in the sands as well as the glimmer of the water as it crests and then crashes to the beach. Things are pretty ideal, this beautiful, autumnal night.

Tabby sat on the beach, her bare toes digging into the sand. The woman was dressed simply in a white spaghetti strap top and a pair of khakhi shorts, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She was happily munching from a bag of trail mix as she watched the water.

James was one of those visitors who had stayed to watch the sunset, but he didn't leave when the last light faded. He is still there now, in fact, sitting on the beach and looking out at the water. There is a thoughtful expression on his face -- though actually it looks somewhere between thoughtful and annoyed. It may just be the kind of face he has, though -- there's certainly nothing obvious to be annoyed //about//.

Ink is out for a moonlit stroll, the lure of the beach just too much to resist. He walks slowly, taking in the sights as he puffs away on a hand rolled cigarette that gives off a suspicious odor. An older gentleman, his salt and pepper hair gleams as it catches the moonlight, one of the few things on him that is reflective this evening. He's dressed all in black, his short sleeved t-shirt exposing the flesh of his arms and the sleeve tattoos he has on each side.

Scratching at his beard, Ink seems to choose a direction at random and then just sets off, his heavy work boots crunching on the sand as he makes progress along the beach. He looks amicable enough, smiling to those he sees when he stops to take in the sights.

Making his way down to the beach, Bjorn is in dark green board shorts and a brown tee with a picture in white of a T-Rex saying 'If you're happy and you know it... clap your... oh'. Wearing hiking shoes upon his feet he merely walks along the sand, looking out at the water, and up at the stars, though he occasionally diverts his attention to the other people about with a wave.

A beach chair provides a venue for a young musician this evening. Haruka has her guitar out, having been playing a few tunes while she watched the sun went down. Cargo shorts over a one-piece swimsuit are all she really needs for clothing at the moment, although there's a Hard Rock Cafe hoodie in her kit-bag in case the evening gets cool. She's managed to time it well, finishing her piece just as the sun dips below the horizon, and she sets aside the guitar to take a long drink from a thermos she keeps beside her chair.

Joachim had decided to step out, going for a for a late stroll along the beach. He didn't seem to have much or in fact any sort of a destination in mind, wandering amiably and randomly down the beach. A few familiar faces he spotted, waving at Bjorn as they walked towards each other. When his eys found James they let him. and Joachim smiled brightly. A familiar and always pleasant smell caught Joachim's nostrils by chance and he looked around with a chuckle, always rather amused at that smell out in public, and inclined to try and head towards it with a five dollar bill in hand. He called out to Haruka as she finished played. "Sounded good!"

Joachim was dressed as he often was, in a pair of comfortable sandals suitable for easy movement on the beach, a pair of light slacks and a t-shirt that read "Science is a verb now".

Uma was giving some sort of card trick or something to a couple she'd stopped to talk to, flipping the deck and individual cards around with a little flare, giving them a wink of her blue eye as she shook her long, dark, hair back away from her shoulders. When she showed the woman of the couple her card, there was a surprised sound, and Uma bowed slightly at the waist, giving the happy duo a smile. "Thank you, I'm here.. well. All the time! Come see my show at the Moana Market, next Saturday night!" Then the illusionist made her way from the couple, walking down further along the beach, idly playing with her cards as she made her way toward the sound of guitar and random wakeful voices. Everyone that passed her or walked nearby got a dazzling, even welcoming, smile as she did so.

As far as clothing went, Uma was wearing a simple, almost bohemian style shirt, unlaced from the waist up, that hung down around her upper thighs. The almost sheer, printed shirt looked pale peach and dark brown in the evening light, and had wooden toggles on the laces up the front. Under the shirt, that seemed nothing more than a polite suggestion at a cover up, was just a simple, vibrantly teal bikini that fit precisely, with no ties but instead normal straps holding the strategically placed triangles in place. Her long, shapely legs were bare, as were her feet, and she was carrying a tote bag over her shoulder that likely held the playing cards at one point, along with a beach towel and a bottle of water.

Overhead, from somewhere beyond the top of a nearby cliff, three shapes move out through the darkness, blotting out starlight and moonlight as they do so. They're large, and definitely some sort of bird or bat-like creature. The wings easily stretch a good 3-4 feet across, and are thin enough that the starlight and moonlight made their transparency obvious, and demonstrated the thin lines of dark veins running through them. The sound they made as they approached the water was fearsome, like loud screeching from something that shouldn't have been heard by human ears. At least, not since one of the pre-time keeping eras.

Loa dropped Winger1.

Loa dropped Winger2.

Loa dropped Winger3.

Tabby grabbed another handful of trail mix, tilting her head back to pour it into her mouth. When she closed her lips over it, she looked decidedly like a chipmunk as her teeth slowly round the food down to something more manageable. Sealing up, the ziplock, she slipped it into the pack next to her, drinking around for her bottle water. The airborne screeching caused her to tilt her head as she listened, swallowing down her food. "This island must have the worst songbirds on the planet."

On call sucks it sucks even more when the dispatcher gives you the wrong address to the wrong part of the beach. Carrying a backpack and an orange fishing tackle box Healani is walking over the sands. In her other hand she is balanced on her crutch. She is muttering about the incompetency of dispatchers as she moves. "Fucking incompetent

      • REmove previous****

James hasn't noticed anyone arriving -- he is too intent on whatever he is thinking about to look around much, and it's also dark. However, he can't exactly fail to notice the screeching bird things, and he looks up sharply, first with a wince, then with narrowed eyes. He pushes himself up quickly to standing, craning his neck up to follow the flight. "What the hell?" he murmurs, and though he tenses as though he's going to move in some direction or other -- perhaps 'away' -- for now he just waits.

Ink winces as the screeching from the birds pierces the calm of the night, stopping to try and get a look at the creatures. Squinting his eyes, he gazes over at the forms. Taking a long drag from his cigarette, he closes his eyes as he exhales and then upon opening them again, looks out once more. "Okay, still there." He has an odd accent, most certainly American but with large traces of Welsh in there too.

Being on call sucks it sucks even more when the dispatcher gives you the wrong address to the wrong part of the beach. Carrying a backpack and an orange fishing tackle box Healani is walking over the sands. In her other hand she is balanced on her crutch. "?O Fucking ke kanaka ke?oke?o, nele Fucker." She mutters under her breath as she moves. She is about to say more when she hears the screeching. She comes to a halt and looks in the direction from where she can hear it.

A return wave is given to Joachim as Bjorn moves along the sand. As he spots other people vaguely in the dark he doesn't really have time to wave or greet them as that screeching commences. Blinking, the large man looks up toward the sound, trying to make out what's caused it in the night sky. He mutters under his breath, "That didn't sound like a bird..." He crouches slightly, suddenly being one of the tallest on the beach not feeling like the best of options when who knows what is up in the sky.

Haruka sets aside her guitar, and offers a pleasant nod to Joachim. "Hey, teach. Good to see you again." She sips her drink again, then stretches out to look up at the darkening sky... and then... "Hmmm?" she asks, catching Bjorn's comment about the bird sounds. "Gotta admit I don't know what all the birds around here sound like..."

The sound of screeching certainly caught Joachim's attention, his eyes going up to the sky, frowning. "Please be an incontenant seagull... please be an incontentant seagull..." Hearing the recording worthy swearing Joachim turned, catching sight of Healani. "Healani! Aloha! Did you hear that? It kind of sounded like an incontenant seagull. I hope..." He muttered that last bit, putting on a lame smile as his attention turned back towards the sky and the screaming mimies up in the air. He grinned and snorted at Bjorn. "Stop smushing my dreams you." He nodded to Haruka. "Yeah... me either. I bet it's totally just... very large birds." He nodded to Ink, staring. "Yeah they still are... I've been here a while and I've never seen songbirds like that. Er... heard." He shrugged at Tabby.

Uma's wandering down the beach seemed to come to a rather immediate halt not so much when she'd heard the screeching of 'birds' overhead, but after she'd lifted her chin and gazed up at the flying figures with her mis-matched eyes. It was likely a lucky thing, too, or she'd have run plumb into someone, and stopped just short of walking directly into Haruka's chair. "OK... Are they filming Jurassic Park 4 or something?" Her words were delivered with a purely American accent, that weird accent-less American that could have come from anywhere and nowhere in the country. Her deck of playing cards was slipped into her tote as Uma warily watched the flight path of the overhead avians.

The birds continued their screeching sounds, like horrifying calls from an era bygone, and began circling around one another, passing under and over, up above the crest of incoming waves by about 15 feet or so.

Beneath the birds, the water seemed to be roiling, bubbling up like some sort of thrashing was going on just beneath the surface

As the bubbling and agitation in the water grew worse, the birds seemed to make more noise, then started swooping in toward the land, diving within 10 feet of the sandy beach before lurching back up into the air, giving everyone a clear, solid view of their odd, nearly pitch-black skin, and violently glowing, red eyes that seemed more to be pools of molten lava in their faces than eyeballs. All three of them seemed to be lurching toward the people closest to the water's edge.

Tabby arched an eyebrow at Joachim, "I try not to judge the wildlife too quickly. Unless they're mosquitoes, those pequenos bastardos can all fucking die a thousand deaths." Grimacing, she shook her head disgust, her eyes going to the water. "What is it with this island and their sea monsters? Because I feel like it's false advertisement at this point." The woman kept her eyes on the water as she stood up and started digging in her pack.

James does take a couple quick steps away from the water when the bird things swoop down, covering his head when one gets particularly close. Okay, it may not be //particularly// close, but it's close enough for him to want to get the heck out of its way. The roiling in the water is also quite concerning. James squints, attempting to get a better look, but after only a second or two, he lifts a hand out, murmuring something under his breath. As he does, light erupts from his fingertips and travels quickly to illuminate the now churning water.

Ink is still trying to identify whatever the hell it is that just flew over, the screeching really starting to get on his nerves if the grimace on his face is anything to go by. Ditching his rollup and stubbing it out with his boot, he crouches down and tries to focus, the smoke haze seeming to distract him little as he squints at the wildlife. "No feathers? Scales? What on earth? Oh and glowing eyes." Looking around, he tries to spot anyone who looks like a local. "Pterydactyls were not mentioned on the tour!"

"How could I not." Healani responds back to Joachim when she hears him. She never takes her eyes off the birds. Her eyes study the creature. Then the water, starts to churn and the creature comes out her eyes go to it. She hears Tabby and she does not respond back, instead she looks annoyed and angrier than a hornet at the comment. Her eyes narrow as she calls out. "They are not Pterydactyls they are worse." A cold breeze moves around her. "Son of a bitch this night is getting better. Who pissed off Pele? They are her constructs. It is said they breathe lava. They will not harm if they are not after you. Pele is throwing down the gauntlet. She is pissed at someone or is protecting her side of the island." She shouts out to them.

The tide is high and rising.

Watching the birds swoop down, Bjorn hops back, crouching lower into the sand. He seems to recognize the bird things, and when Healani calls out and he looks out at the now lit water he sighs and quips, "All we're missing is the lava giants..." He carefully slips off his hikers as he watches the water for what happens next.

"Please don't tempt her," Haruka says as she quickly gathers up her kit-bag and guitar. She leaves the chair behind, but does pause to grab her thermos as she hurries back away from the water. No desire at all to get caught anywhere near the bird-things.

<The Sight> Joachim has turned on The Sight.

As the flying creatures started lurching around in the sky towards them and the waters roiled, Joachim nodded to James' lighting up the waters. He grinned. "That's a good trick. Better than just jumping in!" He grinned at Ink, shaking his head at hearing Healani's words. "I dunno! I think I'd prefer it if they were pterydactyls! What the hell are they after?" Uma's comment made him smile despite the crazy situation. "Oh man that would be awesome but it'll totally never happen." He shook his head and then looked to Bjorn, raising an eyebrow. "Lava giants? Who what now big guy?" He looked interested to hear it, though his attention was on the water and whatever might have been coming up out of it. HIs eyes seemed to glow with an inner light as he took in the world around him, looking out towards the water and at the people around him, eyebrows climbing waaaay up into his hairline. His eyes narrowed as he looked to the water. He pitched his voice loudly. "I think I'd rather have those flyng things around. Whatever's down there is... god it's horrible. I feel like I've been dipped in inky oil and scrubbed with a brillow pad." He looked away, disgusted. "Like.... living hubris."

Uma let out a little yelp, reaching up to cover her ears as creatures swooped forward and decidedly made the less watery side of the beach seem like greener pastures. She took a few hurried steps and turned to look back at the water, eyes wide and surprised. "So... Definitely not just props, because I would have been REAL impressed." Unsure of what to do, aside from the obvious option of running away, and far too curious to do just that, Uma waited, watching. When she heard what Healani, Bjorn, and Joachim were saying, she looked toward them and blinked, somewhat poleaxed. "Wait a minute... What?!" She backed up a little further, eyeing everything with a touch more concern having knitted her dark brows together tightly over her wide eyes.

Reaching into his pocket, Ink pulls out a battered tobacco tin and slowly rolls a new cigarette, adding in some vivid green shoots at one point. Sealing the joint, he lights it carefully and exhales with a grateful sigh, a pungent odor being carried in the wind with the smoke. Grinning to those present, he assesses the situation and then promptly turns on his heel, making his way off the beach while humming a tune and doing his best to ignore the flying dinosaurs behind him.

After James did his little light show trick, a ball of illumination did, indeed, light up over the water and hover there, living it in obvious visual glory. Of course, what it lit up was water churning, looking thick with silt and sand, like it was a giant mixing bowl instead of the clear waters of the Volcanic Beach of norm. That light also demonstrated that the sand was churning pretty much from the entire sea floor for at least a couple hundred yards in all directions.

Loa dropped SandMan.

Loa dropped SandSnake.

Loa dropped SandCrab.

The huge, loudly screeching birds didn't seem to be stopping, even though a light came on to somewhat illuminate them in their full, blackened-skin glory. They kept moving, casting odd shadows as they passed in front of the light and seemed to be screaming at the top of their lungs either out of rage or some sort of warning. Hard to tell which.

One of the bird-like creatures, though, stopped making screeching sounds, and moved to where it was soaring in circles over the sand, not so much over the sea anymore. Its molten attention seemed to be given to the darkened sands on the beach and less so to the roiling seas where the others were flying about.

Tabby kept digging in her pack and shook her head, "How I am this unorderized is beyond me. I swear I packed a flashlight or a lighter..." The rest of the sentence devolved into muttering. She squinted her eyes as she looked back to Healani. "Hey look, I was just drinking her beer at the bar, I paid for it. If she's going to be upended over me drinking her beer, she should put a label on that shit." The latina went back to muttering as she flipped her bag to dump the contents onto the sand, an arrange of clothes, water bottles, and ziplocks of food.

The information has James turning sharply to look at Healani -- his eyes widen a little bit, and he turns back to the churning water, though periodically he looks up to track the bird things. He has noticed Joachim by now, and the man's first words get a somewhat grim smile, but it fades quickly enough, considering Joachim's next words. "Oh, wonderful," he mutters, just holding position for now.

<The Sight> Joachim has turned off The Sight.

"Kane, now would be a good time to step in." Healani murmurs. "They are after the sand, look at the sand being churned up by the sea. The birds are warning. I think the two sisters are having a spat." She calls out to those who are there. "Either that or Pele is doing it, but my money is on the sisters having a spat."

As all the sand starts to get churned up, Bjorn steps further back into the beach away from the water. He tries to move back past where people are at, finding an out of the way spot where he'll get noticed least as he takes his shirt off. At the talk of an argument between sisters he grumbles to himself, "I really should learn more about what goes on here..."

Haruka continues backing up along the beach, circling a little to stay well out of the area of conflict - well away from the birds and the sand-whatevers. She really isn't sure what's going on, but she knows she doesn't want to mix it up in person with birds that spit lava. "What the heck's going on out there, teach?" she calls to Joachim.

Joachim shrugged helplessly at Uma. "Uh... at least they're not after us? That's always good." He shook his head at Tabby and shrugged. "I'm not sure what's going on either. Though I don't like that they're looking at the sand." He frowned, eyeing it at as well. "I don't see anything though. What's this about sisters?" He nodded to Bjorn. "I've done a good bit of studying but I didn't follow that either. Who would Pele be fighting with out there in the water exactly?" He shook his head at Haruka. "I don't know. Apparently it's the mythical grudge match of the century between the goddess Pele and... I dunno, someone really, really arrogant and full of themselves in the water?"

Uma blinked at Joachim and nodded, then looked up at the bird that was circling around the beach. There was a little obvious dread on her face as she dropped her gaze to the dark sand to watch it, and bit into her lower lip even though she didn't spot anything amiss. As if to make it so she was touching less sand, she lifted her left foot up and propped it onto her right foot, like a kid pretending they weren't touching the lava because they were only standing on one foot.

From the water, a very, very tall being that seemed to be dark, dunn colored like wet sand emerged. It was man-shaped, in so far as it was a rough approximation of a man-like being. Its head was somewhat mishappen, and morphed into the slope of its shoulders. Instead of normal looking arms, they were elongated and almost ludicrously thick, with huge, hammer-like blunt ends instead of fists. As its legs carried it up out of the churning water, one of its incredibly long arms swung outward, missing Joachim with its anvil of a fist by a mere inch or two as Joachim managed to dodge out of the way of the strike.

From the water skittered a second form, and it moved fast, sideways, despite the fact that it was utterly enormous. A crab made of heavy, wet, dark sand moved in the eerie light that had been created over the water, and it went straight for Uma, like it was some sort of heat seeking missile. It didn't take long at all for the crab to catch her, either, picking her up in both of its huge, front, pincers and lifting her up off the ground, one pincer around her ribcage and the other around her legs, just above the knee.

The first of the winged creatures moved forward, diving down fast at the sand man that came onto the beach and swung his massive hand toward Joachim. When the claws of that creature struck, it was hard, and the hit was loud enough that it sounded like something thudding against a filled in steel drum. Inches thick sand sheeted down off the SandMan and married with the dark, dryer sand of the volcanic beach.

While that was happening, something else seemed to come awake from the beach itself. A long, serpentine figure moved in from behind James, where it was mostly unseen, the thing easily 9 feet long. As it raised its head to strike, though, the Wizard seemed to have some sort of lucky sense about it and moved, just as the 2 inch long fangs that the serpent demonstrated drove downward in an attempt to bite into James' flank. All it left James with was a scrape, luckily, along his love handle on the left side.

The second bird-like creature came down at the broad back of the sand crab holding onto Uma, and while it didn't manage to get nearly the hit in that the other one had achieved vs. the SandMan, there was a mark along the SandCrab's back after the avian flew past.

The third Winged creature went after the SandSnake that had attacked James, and when it did so, it managed to miss entirely because that Snake was one shifty ass bastard, and the pterydactyl of Pele seemed to have almost no luck even coming near it.

Tabby dug through the pile of clothes, snatching a flashlight. The woman went sprinting at the sand crab, leaping and attempting to drive her heel into the skittering thing that just moved with Uma. "Can someone help me get this estupido thing off of her!" She leapt a second time, trying to grab its leg and ended up eating a face full of sand for her effort as she rolled back to her feet.

James hisses in pain when the sand snake catches him enough for him to feel it. He's missed most of the strike, though, and as he turns, he murmurs something else quietly, under his breath. As he does, another ray of light shoots down toward the thing, but this one is sharp, and straight as an arrow, or a lance. It strikes the sand near the creature, but not //on// the creature, and this time the word that emits from James is, "Damnit!" Probably not another spell. At least, one assumes.

The tide is high and slack.

Healani says, "Namaka, is Pele sister." Healani explains. As she does the air around her gets colder and a wind brushes by her. She sounds more than a little annoyed. Especially when the attacks star. Her voice changes slightly as she raises it to so that she can be heard. When she speaks she speaks in Hawaiian."

Stepping back a little more as the chaos begins to ensure, he hears and sees Uma get caught by the sand crab... this just won't do. Slipping his shorts off since he's taken off everything else he says, "Let...her...gOOOO!" and shifts, fur growing, bones shifting, size growing, and growing, the already large man moving to humongous size as he turns into an eleven foot tall bear, his words shifting into a roar. The few thousand pounds of bear barrels at the crab, smacking into the claws to wrench Uma free of it's grasp as it squares off against the thing.

Haruka takes a step to one side, asessing the situation, then darts in along side Joachim. Or so she seems to. There she is on the OTHER side of him, too! And is that her coming up from behind the sandwhichthingie? Wow, there's a lot of her. Hopefully the critters won't figure out that she isn't even really there.

As the sandy giant emerged from the water and lashed out at Joachim he swore and side stepped, leaping back to relative safeety, a pair of wings spreading from his back to aid in his hopping back retreat. "You motherfuckers again! Goddamn it!" He yelled out over the sound of the ocean and the shrieking of the flyers. "They've got solid cores inside of them! Destroy the core to kill the sand things!" When the snake leapt at James Joachim pointed and crowed. "I knew there was another one! Oh wait. Shit!" As Bjorn shifted and charged to Uma's aid, he got a slightly silly look on his face, nodding as he turned his attention to the Sandman that had attacked him. "Right you Gumby reject, let's get funky." The sand at his feet boiled and became glass as a wave of electromagnetic energy lanced out from him in a line, blasting into the sandy golem thing and scorching the stuff it was made of.

After James misses, he jumps back, moving a little further up the beach. He puts his hand to his thigh to check and see if there's any blood. There doesn't seem to be much, and he looks back toward the fray, letting out a frustrated sound. As he does, he turns and moves quickly further up the beach, for whatever reason deciding that 'away' is better than here. Maybe getting involved with a sibling spat is against his code of honor.

Uma wasn't quite in a normal state of mind. First, she'd been plucked up off the beach by a gigantic CRAB made of sand, and it started her screaming her head off. Her tote fell to the ground, spilling playing cards and a couple bottles of water. Then, of all things, a POLAR BEAR came to rip at the claws that were holding her above the ground, sending her tumbling to the sand. Uma scrambled away, then flicked her wrist, which brought up a wall in front of her that for all intents and purposes kind of looked like a thick layer of hardened jello in the air, flavorless jello. She scrunched behind the wall and stared around her with her eyes wide, looking shell shocked, like she was trying to figure out WTF was going on.

The tide is high and ebbing.

The large man made of Sand didn't seem to like much becoming glassed over. In fact, the layer of glass along the thick outside coating of his body cracked and fractured, falling away as he lunged forward and swung his anvil-like hand at Joachim, finally managing to connect with the man and give a solid 'THUD' sound at the mid-section to the ZOT caster.

The SandCrab, now without its trophy, made a disgusting, hissing/keening noise and clacked its heavy claws together before it rushed at the PolarBjorn. Bjorn being the bear he was didn't move much out of the way and therefore took a large claw as it reached under and pinched along BjornBear's inner leg, ripping out some of the fur in the process.

The primary winged creature looped down, opened it's mouth, and spewed a nearly white-hot line of liquid magma from it's mouth, directly at the form of the SandMan. Instead of hitting the accursed creature, however, the line of boiling hot rock struck into the dark sand of the beach with a hissing and spitting sound as it cooked the sand to glass in a line.

The SandSnake, as its primary target had taken off away from the beach, turned its hollow, lifeless, sand-filled eyes toward Healani, opening it's mouth to expose 2 inch long fangs as it gave a silent hiss and struck toward her. Its long, vicious fang struck along the side of Healani's arm, leaving an angry, red, welt in its wake.

The second winged creature dove back down from the sky toward the SandCrab, this time spewing lava directly from its mouth in a dripping, hazardous beam that coated the back of the sandy creature and caused the first several inches of its 'shell' to becoming nothing but hardened, cracking, glass that smoked and popped.

The final winged creature came in for an attack on the SandSnake that had just bitten at Healani, and it coughed out a ball of molten flame, dropping it near the center line of the 9 foot long SandSnake, causing that line of its body to harden into immovable glass that looked immediately smokey and almost mirror like.

Tabby's eyes went wide as people started throwing around light beams, forming jelly domes, and oh wait, transforming into a fucking polar bear. Clenching her teeth, she steeled herself to go in, going behind the sandcrab. Grabbing the back of its shell, she growled as she lifted with all her might. The sand crab flipped onto the top of its shell, exposing its supposedly softer underbelly to the polar bear. It was entirely possible that she just preferred the sand crab between her and Bjorn-bear.

The snake fangs sink deeply into her flesh with unleashes a torrent of angry insults and curses from Healani. She starts to try and beat the thing with her crutch after a failed attempt to get out of its way. She continues to try and hit. With steam of insults coming out of her mouth in Hawaiian.

It... tore the bears fur.... Bjorn was hurt, and this made the bear angry. You don't piss off a bear. Now that it's on it's back it's especially not in a good place. The bear lets out a roar of rage, and charges and leaps to the crab, fangs and claws as he starts to rend parts of it away from whatever is holding it together, searching for whatever will kill the thing.

Haruka and Haruka zip about the sand-monster Joachim is fighting, poking at it here and there with sticks and calling it silly names. "Bwaha! You're falling to pieces, Sandy!" Meanwhile, Haruka and Haruka chuck rocks at its head! And then there's Haruka, running up and dashing under it to duck behind and try to trip it! None of them exactly accomplish anything directly, even though they're now dressed up in blue hot pants and bikini top and windbreaker with a ball cap, scarf trailing behind each of her.

Wait, is that Haruka, edging her way towards the road? Staying well back and away from the fight? Maybe it is! ... Or maybe that's her over there, picking up her beach chair.

As the Sandman was keeping him on his toes, Joachim had no choice but to continue to keep his attention on it, the blow from earlier smarting badly. With a grunt he braced himself, opening his mouth as the smell of ozone filled the air. With a crackling rush a beam of burning red heat rushed from his mouth, smashing into the sandy man and burning it terribly, more of it's sandy surface becoming glass.

Uma, watching as people were beating the piss out of sand creatures left and right, narrowed her eyes at the SandCrab that had attempted to turn her into a hood ornament and grumbled as she watched its legs kicking in the air as it flailed. "You should TOTALLY die... you JERK!" The barrier she'd been hiding behind suddenly fell to the ground in a puddle of ooze, but over the belly of the SandCrab a spike came into being, from thin air, and then dropped. That sneaky SandCrab must have been really flailing though, because it popped itself over to the side and out of the way of the falling spike, leaving it to drop into the sand harmlessly, and leaving Uma to let out a frustrated sound that was akin to a growl. Only bitchier.

The SandMan seemed like he would be bellowing in rage, if he had vocal cords. Instead, its mouth opened and it spewed hot, wet, sand out of it, as it spun on its glassy feet and tried to smack Joachim with its anvil hand again. It missed, entirely, looking more like a wind-up toy than anything dangerous.

The SandCrab, after squirrelling itself away from the falling spike, finally managed to get enough momentum to toss itself back over onto it's legs, and made a menacingly dull 'CLACK' sound with its claws at Bjorn and Tabby.

The first of the winged creatures swooped in at the SandMan and made another, laser-like, hot magma beam drive from its mouth and finally hit the Sandman squarely, slicing it clean in two from top to bottom, and cooking the WHOLE thing to glass. As it fell, it crumbled and shattered on the dark sand of the beach.

Giving that horrible, sand spewing hiss, the 9foot long SandSnake reared around, coming back at Healani with a savage strike. When it hit, the long, vicious, protrusion of its 2 inch long fang stuck cleanly through the width of Healani's thigh, and blood began to pour from the wound freely as it jerked its mouth free.

The second winged creature tried to drop more lava from its mouth onto the huge, now rather glassy, crab, and it entirely missed. Instead, it made a puddle of vicous looking lava soup that slowly turned the surrounding sands into blackened glass.

The Third winged creature came in at the snake, opening its mouth to spit a huge wad of flaming, molten rock at the slithering form of the striking snake. It hit hard, splattering over much of its back, and sizzling that sand into unyeilding glass, making it harder for the creature to serpentine its way around.

With the sandcrab being thrashed by the polar bear, Tabby broke off to go after the sand snake that was attacking Healani. Tabby stomped several times trying to get her foot onto that swishing tail, "Joder! Will you stay still!" She howled in frustration.

It bites her again, the fang bitting deep into her leg. "Son of whore!" She shouts. Lifting her crutch she begins to start to beat it. Her eyes are distance and her face shows nothing but rage. "Do this you will die, Namaka you are a real bitch and are as bad as your sister. You two are two peas in a pod." This is coming out in English. She shouts again. She holds her crutch in her hand and uses it like a club.

Haruka and Haruka suddenly produce two swords each, oen gleaming silver and blue, the other black and crimson. Each starts waving them, slicing through the air, launching fireball after fireball from the blades' tips, sending them after the sand-snake!

Meanwhile, a little further away, Haruka and Haruka produce bows and start launching fiery arrows, too! Zoom! Zowie! Boom!

Strangely, not a bit of sand is kicked up by any of these explosions....

Kill. Yes that crab needs to die, sometimes there just needs to be a killin. As such the enraged Bjorn runs at the already effed up crab and goes to bite it in the face, looking to finish it off. He practically plows through it trying to rend the sand all apart and bring it back to the same sand as the beach, his fur rankled as he roars his triumph over his opponent.

Joachim watched as the flying lava thing turned his opponent to glass, breathing a sigh of relief. As Bjorn destroyed the crab, he called out. "See if you can find any glowing shards in the wreckage!" With Healani being bitten and assaulted by a sand snake, Joachim turned his attention there, speaking again in coptic as he stretched out a hand towards the nearby ocean. Water flowed through the air towards his hand, wrapping around his body as he began to move his arms and legs in a weaving, flowing pattern. The water formed into a serptine shape all it's own, growing until it had form and substance as a massive liquid serpent. It rushed towards the sandsnake, flinging itself at it and wrapping it up. As the two elemental serpents coiled and fought, the watery one managed to consume the other, the sand it was made up of turning to nothingness as the entropic energies reduced everything inside to elementary particles. Then, with a splash, it dissolved. For a moment Joachim was silent and then threw his hands into the air. "MOSESED MOTHERFUCKER!"

Uma watched as the last of the sand-made creatures fell away to glass, ash, sand, and lavaflow. She was breathing heavily, looking like she'd had a little more running than one might want in a night. "What the FUCK just happened?! Is this like... normal Hawaii shit? Because this ISN'T NORMAL SHIT..." Her voice was a touch on the side of hysteria, that shimmering edge of fright not great for the sturdiness of a fairly uninitiated soul. Uma ran her hands back through her dark hair, then went about adjusting her clothes a bit, making sure she was at least covered enough to be somewhat socially acceptable after the hubbabaloo. "Ok. So. Are uh... the birds just going to keep flying around, or are they...?" She pointed up at the flying flingers of lava, notedly not looking at them, more looking at whoever she could manage to catch with her mis-matched gaze.

The three circling avians had returned to the sky, and blessedly, their screeching had stopped. The only sounds now were the faint, every so-often pop of glass shattering as heat died away from lava, and the sound of the waves crashing into the beach. They soared above for a few moments, and then took off in formation. Strangely, they seemed to be heading right for the cliff, instead of up to the top of it, and sure enough, all three, one after the other, literally flew directly INTO the cliff, and were immediately incorporated into its jagged face, like they'd never existed.

The tide is low and ebbing.

Tabby took a deep breath as the last of the sand constructs fell apart. Flaring a nostril, she sniffed at the air. She eyed Healani, "Berserker rage... Constructive." Her gaze moved to the screaming Uma, "Like seriously, this is like twice in less than two weeks. Nuking the whole site from orbit seems completely reasonable at this point... Place is well on its way to turning me into an alcoholic." Her lips pressed together, and she pointed to the massive bear, "You need to lose the fur coat before you die of heat exhaustion or something. There ain't enough ice on the island to save your ass."

leg hurting, check, blood oozing out of a puncture wound, check. Late for work, check. "Fucking sister's, now I am late. Pele keep your fucking fights away from us." Healani is grumbling. She begins to hunt down the tackle box and pulls it out. From it she takes out a roll of bandages. She beings to wrap it around her leg. Next she pulls out out a phone from her srubs pant pocket. Punching numbers into it she shivers. Then she starts speaking. "Thank you for sending me to the wrong beach. Send Richard to the right one. I am am taking myself home and signing off for the night. " She then hangs up and shoves it back in. Leaning on her crutch she picks up her tackle box and slowly drags her sorry ass off the beach. The others are ignored.

The giant beat shakes his head brusquely at Tabby, and then growls a little more. He noses through the sand some, making sure there isn't anything needed to be removed like Joa mentioned, and then the two thousand pounds of huge bear shuffles over toward where there were shoes and shorts and a shirt laying on the ground. Picking them up in his teeth he started to amble toward an out of the way spot, a slight limp on his hind leg from the good gouge he got from the sandcrab.

With the beasts defeated or driven off, Haruka and Haruka and Haruka and Haruka put their weapons away (back into hammerspace, by the look of things, as they're just not there anymore) and the four converge on Joachim for a Group Hug! "Yay! We win! Now take us all out for ice cream!" Shouldn't there only be one of her? And what happened to the one who was sneaking off? ... oh. That's her. Hugging him from behind.

Joachim stepped forward slightly to the two apparently newcomer women to the island. "Hate to tell you this but... yeah this sort of thing does tend to happen." He shrugged a bit lamely at that and raised a hand. "Joachim by the way. Personally after this sort of thing I tend to go find a nice relaxing spot and smoke a blunt or two. Does wonders." He turned to watch Healani walk off, frowning. "Hmm... well... I guess we'll have to talk later." Scrubbing a hand through his hair, he looked to Bjorn, grinning. "So... what do you call a bear with no ears?" He waggled his eyebrows. "B!" He sighed happily, as if he'd been waiting to do that the whole fight. "That was pretty damn impressive. Thanks all of you." He smiled and winked at Haruka. "That was cool. I definitely wouldn't have thought of something like that." And then he was being mobbed by all of them, hands in the air. "What?! How would that even work!?"

Uma just shook her head, looking in some awe as the bear started shambling away. "Oh! Uh... Thank you, for uh, getting me out of the WORST rendition of turnabout is faire play, ever?" She shuddered, then looked at Tabby, raising her brows. "You wanna go eat some crab claws and get like... the biggest beer on the face of the planet? Because it's literally ALL I want to do right now. Like.. two pounds of fried crab claws." Uma moved her hands with her words, making it obvious she meant two HUGE pounds of crab claws. She looked over at Joachim and nodded to him, a disbelieving sort of smile on her lips. "Well, then, I guess this just gets more and more interesting, if this shit happens all the damn time." She rolled her shapely shoulders and took in a deep breath. "Uma, nice to meet you." She nodded to Joachim, then looked after Healani for a moment, before remembering to pick up her tote and all of her playing cards. "Well, at least they didn't ruin my new deck, it has little hula girls on it." Uma mumbled the thought idly while she sorted herself out, then finally stood up. "Beer. Crab Claws. I'm gone, because nothing else is gonna do it tonight." She nodded to everyone, turned on her heels, and started sauntering off toward the parking area above the beach with an almost exaggerated sway of her hips, like she was shaking off the sensation of having to check under her feet for sand snakes on the way.