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(Created page with "{{ Log | cast = Akhlut, Conni, Nala, Nick, and Rick. Loa as GM. | summary = The Sharks have returned. The Land Sharks. | gamedate = 2008.07.21 | gameda...")
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Revision as of 07:39, 24 November 2017


As Sharks come to land, they lose their nerve. And everything else.

Dramatis Personae

Akhlut, Conni, Nala, Nick, and Rick. Loa as GM.

21 July, 2008

The Sharks have returned. The Land Sharks.


Volcanic Beach, Leeward Coast


Plot:Land Shark!

While the sky overhead remained free of even the slightest of clouds, the sun beat down onto the Volcanic beach with enough force that most people were using large umbrellas to shade themselves. You could usually tell the locals, as they'd bring their own beach umbrellas and huge coolers full of cold drinks and even colder snacks to this part of the island. The haoles that had never been to this part of the world were the ones renting the beach umbrellas from the little shack up near the parking area for a stupidly high amount of money for the day, but hey, it kept out the heat stroke and it let them experience the harsh, absolutely unrelenting beauty of the Volcanic beach.

Kids and adults played along the surf, the sunlight a blinding gleam off the waves, but there were clearly NO surfers in this area. The nearby reef was excellent for diving when it wasn't stormy, so people were swimming out there with snorkles and full on underwater diving gear, but the concept of surfing over a reef that literally just ate surfers for breakfast kept this place free of the tribe of board riders. All in all, it's a pretty gorgeous place to be, even without the surfers to watch ride waves.

Rick does not have a surfboard with him, seeing as he may be a little weird but he is not actually crazy. He does have a cooler and a beach umbrella, though, because he knows what's up. Living here for twenty years will do that. He sets everything down in a spot that's near-ish to the water, but not so near that he's going to have to watch out for waves in his drink, and opens the umbrella, sticking it down as far enough into the rocks of the beach that it will stand up on its own. Then he sits down, opens the cooler, and takes out a beer. And now all is right with the world, at least for the moment.

Conni is out hiking, the lure of the local scenery being just too good to pass up. She has dressed appropriately and has even forsaken the beer for this little outing. She has her hair tied up in a pony tail, her top is a simple green camisole and her shorts are sturdy looking and beige. New hiking boots, a small back pack and a quite tall walking stick leave her looking like she should be raiding tombs rather than going out for a walk. Any exposed skin has been slathered in sunblock, the scent of coconuts following her where ever she goes.

Conni takes a breath on the rise, looking out over the beach and waving to Rick when she sees him. "Aloha!" Grinning happily, Conni starts to head over, the promise of shade Rick's umbrella brings being to much to ignore for the pale skinned Dane.

Akhlut bowed his head, paddling downward as a wave rolled over him. When it passed the man returned to the surface. "This is the point they make their mistake, because they have stopped thinking about where the waves are. Their attention is split between the shore and teeth. This is the point you let the wave do the work and carry you to them. You'll be rushing to them as they fight the wave coming back off the sand towards. It's less of concern for you, but if you start swimming hard you'll end up too far onto the shore. You'll eat, but you have to fight to get back into the water. It is a poor thing to crashed by your own weight when it's not by choice." The man submerged as another wave came up behind him, and appearing once more with his arms raised and Nala in them until he dropped her into a fireman's carry. "And you make the grab, having to decide if they should be on your tongue in the water or on the beach!" The man powered through the water towards shore, dressed in a pair of cutoff khakis.

On the beach there was an empty, stretched out blanket held down by a very large cooler and a few heavy rocks onto the black sand of the beach underneath. Over that blanket was a huge, and I do mean huge, umbrella that was the color of the brightest aqua that could have possibly survived hours in the sun. While there was no one sitting under that umbrella currently, people seemed to have avoided taking over the space or trying to use the black and white tribal print blanket that was laid out underneath it. Maybe because it's occupants were simply out swimming for a bit and fully expected to return. On the bottom edge of the blanket sat a pair of white, women's thong-style sandals and a folded up, thin, white cotton, women's cover up. Just next to that was a set of black, men's thong-style sandals that looked big enough to comfortably shoe at least two people on each side, and a rather huge men's Tshirt, bright blue, that took up almost more space than the women's dress, suggesting the person that wore the men's clothing might be pretty damn large indeed.

Out in the water, over Akhlut's shoulder, Nala was laughing. Luckily the woman had something on in the way of a bright white bikini - the side ties of which were fluttering along Akhlut's arm and onto his shoulder as he lifted her up out of the water. Unless people knew them, though, they might not have recognized Nala from just her ass and legs laying over the man's chest. "Always in the water, unless I missed the first time, then on the sand." Her disembodied voice came from low around Akhlut's side, as her head was hanging low along his ribs. "And then, if I miss entirely, I can always go back out and play until they've forgotten about me, and repeat the steps all over again!" Obviously, Nala wasn't bothered too much by being carried around by the mountain of Akhlut, since she didn't kick, fight, or wail about it.

On a blanket and not under one of the umbrellas lies Nick, face buried in the crook of his arm. He might be asleep, or he could be dead. But Conni's voice calling out to Rick rouses him, and he sits up with a start, rubbing his face, darkened by 5 o'clock shadow. He flops over onto his back to look up at the sun, to determine the time of day and maybe how long he's been asleep. Somehow, he's not burnt to a crisp, so it couldn't have been too long. He turns to shield his face and look over at Conni, then Rick, both of whom he recognizes. He lifts a hand in greeting, but doesn't call out.

Rick looks over at the greeting -- not that it's necessarily to him, all things considered, but he still does. And when he sees who it is, he grins, and lifts a hand in a lazy wave. "Well hey," he says, seeming perfectly happy to have her coming his way. He takes out another beer, holding it out for her should she want it. If she she takes it, good; if not, he'll stick it back in the cooler. "Howzit?" He takes a sip of his own beer, before he notices Nick's wave. "Hey, brah," he calls as he returns it. "If you want a beer, feel free."

The tide is low and ebbing.

Covering her eyes, Conni smiles cheerfully at Rick and then seeing Nick she waves. "Hello again Rick, nice to see you again." Stopping near the shade, Conni eyes the large beer cooler that Rick has brought with him. "Did you mention beer?" She grins and then grimaces as the glare from the ocean threatens to do awful things to her eyes. Squinting, she leans forward and then her smile vanishes. "Oh..." Not stopping for more pleasantries, she takes off at a sprint towards the waters edge, waving her arms and trying to get the attention of the swimmers and pointing towards an area of water that is now seemingly calm.

Akhlut paused on his way to shore, and he stared back to the water, making a low trill in the back of his throat. "It seems we aren't having breadfruit... I have mixed feelings about this." Allowing a crashing wave to hit him, Akhlut backpeddled into the water, working his shorts with a free arm. "Take my clothes or keep others from the water." Lowing Nala off his shoulder, he passed her his shorts. His gaze moved to Conni waving her arms, "Be careful where your skylight falls!" He yelled with a fierce grin, before diving back into the water to swim towards the fins.

Nala landed a little more unsteadily into the water, since it was MUCH deeper for her than it was for Akhlut where he'd dropped her off. Taking his shorts, she looked up at him and raised her brows. "Alright, I'll go get people out, then I'm coming in. So don't take all the fun, Ak." She winked at him, her bright, blue-green eyes shimmering with some sort of dangerous thrill. As she heard him call out to Conni, she made a high pitched whistle that sounded like it came from her throat, but could easily be heard by the man even as she started moving away. Lifting her arms up, she used the large set of men's swim trunks as a sort of flag "Everyone out! There's something in the water!" She called it loudly as she hoisted herself out of the crashing waves and walked up onto the beach, then pushed her hair back from her face, glancing over at Conni with a fierce grin. "This is shaping up to be an excellent day. Mind if I toss you my suit from the water, Conni?" She nodded to the waves then walked up to that huge blanket, intent on laying Akhlut's shorts out near his shirt.

"Hey. Rick, right?" Nick says, as he gets up and walks that way just about as Conni goes sprinting by. He stops to squint into the distance, following where she's pointing. He runs a hand through his hair, which has a bit of a curl to it from drying naturally, then moves to the cooler to make good on Rick's offer. "Appreciate it. It's hot." He yawns, still waking up, and rubs his eyes with one hand while opening his beer with the other, then taking a long drink from it. Whatever people are excited about, it can wait until he's woken up.

Loa dropped Prell.

Loa dropped Joseph.

At hearing there was something in the water, people's heads jerked toward the waves and everyone seemed to start paying more attention. No one was freaking out just yet, though a couple of non-native women and men with kids out in the water started scrambling in, pushing their young ones ahead of them without another thought. Most of the locals stayed out in the surf if they were there, turning around and watching.

Out there on the water, now, there were suddenly 4 fins. All together. As people started to let out shocked sounds, though... one of those fins went under. And then! A dophin popped up out of the water, making happy, clicking sounds as it flew in an arc dripping into the ocean. Then another... it was a pod of dolphins. At least 4-6 of them. All moving along the reef and leaping after one another playfully.

Rather than people freaking out over the sight of the dolphins, hushed sounds of surprise, all of those sounds happy, came from the shore as people went to grab cameras. Kids were letting out squeals of glee, little ones pointing at the beautiful, grey creatures as they moved through the water, likely entertaining the hell out of the divers near the reef as well.

"I sure did," Rick says, his smile widening a little bit, but the beer for Conni will apparently have to wait for, well...whatever is going on out there. He squints, and nods once to Nick when he confirms his name, adding, "That's right," but he's a little distracted by whatever it is that is going on in the water. When he sees what it is, though, he lets out a laugh, and pushes himself to his feet as he looks over at Nick, tipping his head toward the water. "You want to go look?" he asks, before he starts toward the water as well to get a better view.

Arriving at the water's edge, Conni is visibly relieved when she sees who is there. "Aloha Nala! Sure, throw me your gear and I'll try to keep people away until we know what is happening." The comment from Akhlut makes her laugh and she nods in his direction. "I will be careful, your mate is forgiving but I imagine even his patience has limits." She frowns at the arrival of the dolphins, looking over to Nala with an embarrassed expression on her face. "I could have sworn... Perhaps I went off half-cocked? It's just that I've met some very odd sea creatures since I came to your beautiful island. Some of them even tried to eat me." She continues to look over the water and winces are more people rush forward to see the dolphins. "It would be foolish to suggest that the dolphins are bait?"

Out a touch farther past the reef, a school of fish are up at the most shallow portion of the water, flapping about, causing a place of heavy motion that almost looks like the water is attempting to spin. Anyone that's seen it before could likely guess it was a bunch of fish, though some of the tourists on land seem to think there's some odd spot of heavy rain, in that small, localized area.

A massive black shadow, nearly 26 feet long (8 meters), moved against the waves. It's own black and straight dorsal fin cut through the water, and a split second laster there was a sharp blowing sound that sent up a pillar of mist in air. The massive transient orca start making a series of clicks and tones, mostly deadened by the crashing waves as it made its way over to the triangular fin near the reef. It was an easy jaunt to close the distance. Yup, the mountain of a man was a 12000 pound orca, its shadowy form broken up by huge splashes of white along its form. A moment later, the massive orca leapt out of the water, coming down in a side cannonball which sent out a massive wave. It was basic 'Hey Humans!', but to the others in the water it was 'Hey there, I'm here!' And rather than break up the pod, the huge sea mammal moved between the reef and deeper water.

The obvious reaction to not only seeing a pod of dolphins, but then an insanely rarely spotted Orca near Oahu had people laughing and clapping on the beach, as if this were some sort of show. More walked out to the water, standing at knee deep or more, snapping pictures as fast as they could take them in hopes of catching the Orca or the Dolphins as they continued to breach.

Nala flashed a wide smile to Conni and chuckled. "You wouldn't believe the patience, I think he just doesn't want you to hit him if you're not going to leave an impressive battle scar." She chuckled and finished setting Akhlut's shorts down, then reached back and undid the tie on her top, dropping it to the blanket as well. Sure, it might have scandalized some, but topless was actually OK in Oahu, so Nala didn't seem to be bothered by the stares from the not-so-locals when she bared her firm breasts to the sun. She ran up near Conni, patting her on the back, just under the rubcage, then let out a surprise sound. "Oh Akua! He found something!" Her voice as almost as surprised as the sound she'd made. "Man.. is that not the most glorious thing you've ever seen?" Awe filled her voice, but when Akhlut was back under water, she shook her head, then started out to the water.

"Give me a sec, I'll toss these up to you!" Nala was already tugging at her bikini bottoms while she walked out, then dropped herself to her knees to pull them off entirely once she was deep enough. She stood, pulling her arm back to throw her white bikini bottoms at Conni, now that they were off. Of course, when she did throw them, it was.. terrible. They got nowhere near Conni, and in fact landed in the water, starting a lazy dance in toward the shore on the waves. They'd take a while to get there. Nala just laughed, and turned out toward the open ocean, diving under the water with a brief flash of nude back and rear, then was simply gone.

While everyone was watching, a dark shape that /wasn't/ the Orca whale came up like a battering ram from the other side of the reef. As it broke the surface where the fish seemed to be letting out a mad sort of racket, it was truly something to behold. Terrifying, really. It was a shark, but akin to those that you'd have nightmares of after watching Jaws. Only bigger. This thing was what they made the Megalodon movies about. It shot over the reef, in toward the Dolphins as they leapt up out of the water. Its aim was good, but the Dolphin it was going for twisted in the air, causing the giant, huge and gaping jaws of the shark to miss it. Then, both the dolphin and the shark fell back into the water, on the beach side of the reef, with a violent splash.

Nick raises a brow when Rick is so eager to see the dolphins, but lifts a shoulder. "Sure, why not," he says, not as impressed, clearly. He begins to move that way, before he stops. "Shit, some of these kids are about to be scarred for life," he says, with a nod toward the incoming shark. "Get outta the water!" he calls out -- he's not about to make any sprints down to the water's edge himself, but he'll yell to get people's attention. "Jesus," he intones when the shark and dolphin slam back into the water. "I am so crossing this beach off my list," he adds lightly. "That is a nasty sonuva bitch." The shark, presumably.

Gleeful sounds of delight turned into screams as the shark came into view. What was once a moment of awe and brilliant excitement turned into pure fear as people began scrambling out of the water. People grabbed kids, some of them not even their own, and hauled them back to the beach in a rush that left some others attempting to avoid being trampled. Everyone else stood on the beach in horror, watching, unable to pull their eyes away.

The pod of Dolphins cut in toward the shore, attempting to get into shallow enough water to rid themselves of the shark that was obviously hunting them. The 6 dolphins were clearly visible as they came into water just recently vacated by the people watching them, making them only about knee deep to most adults. All 6 fins were clearly visible along with the curves of their backs as they moved through and tried to escape.

Yes, it seems that Rick thinks dolphins are cool. He stops about calf-deep in the surf, and he's close enough to see the orca pretty well, too. "Wow," he says with another laugh, watching the goings on in the water with obvious enjoyment. That is, until that shark appears. That wipes the grin off his face pretty well. "Jesus!" he exclaims as he takes several quick steps back out of the water. He does, however, scan quickly to see if there are still any people in the water.

"Hey!" he calls, cupping his hands to his mouth and yelling as loudly as he can to a couple of people who look like they might be too scared to do much of anything. "GET OUT!" He glances to where the sharks are following the dolphins, and then makes the very unwise decision to start into the water again toward the frozen swimmers.

"It really is impressive, makes me glad I'm on the land though if I'm honest." Conni watches as the Orca goes back underwater, taking a breath and then stepping back as Nala takes off her top. Random nudity is apparently not something that fazes Conni and with a chuckle she steps into the water to retrieve the rest of Nala's outfit after what was not a fantastic throw. Getting back out of the water is done rather quickly, especially after Conni sees the 'shark' that surfaces. "Wait, you're going in after that?" Stopping by Akhlut and Nala's towel, Conni shrugs out of her backpack and takes out a tube which she removes the end from and starts to rummage around. Looking over to Rick, she guestures towards the water with a nod of her head. "Could you help people get out if they're in trouble, I need to finish something quick!"

As Akhlut rounded the reef and rocketed forward toward where he'd heard the sounds of the other large, sea dwelling predators, the second of two sharks made a beeline to him. Surging up from the depths, he struck at Akhlut's side, back near the tail, taking hold of the much larger Orca with its many rows of sharp teeth and biting into the blubber layer that protected Akhlut's softer inner bits.

With the appearance of the shark, Akhlut made a wide turn around the reef, his dorsal fin giving away his position to those that could see his position. His movement changed from an effortless dance to a full steam charge in a heartbeast, as 6 tons of mass went charging towards the massive shark at 40 miles per hour, just in time to get clipped by a second shark from deeper waters. The orca broke off its attack line, rolling in the water, then rushing up to the underside of the shark. Both of them breached the surface, as Akhlut set his jaws on the shark's belly, disappearing once more in a combined splash.

As the Dolphins made their way to the shoreline, taking it close as they safely could while still moving at speed, the huge, dark shadow of the shark followed them. Coming up behind that huge, dark shadow was another one, though. The dorsal fin of a female, transient Orca could be seen as Nala's Orca form came up and let out a spray of air, taking a breath before she dove down a bit and attempted to grab hold of the megalodon in the shallows. The shark swished itself out of her grasp, though, avoiding the tearing of teeth through its sandpapery hide, and Nala had to spin herself around, preparing for another pass at the mighty shark.

As the Dolphins continued on, one of them took a hit in the side as the massive Magalodon managed to escape Nala's grab and kept coming for them. A dolphin rolled up out of the water onto the shore, scattering people, flopping as it was quite clearly flustered. Then, the massive form of the Megalodon followed it, taking up a good bit of the very, very shallow area, and then part of the beach, as its teeth gnashed and clacked loudly together while it tried to bite into the land-struck dolphin. Those teeth scraped at hide, doing a bit of damage, but not enough to spill real blood, just enough to make the Dolphin let out alarmed and outraged sounds as it bucked its tail.

Now, there was a giant shark mostly on shore, about half of its body still being splashed with the waves. The dolphin was entirely stuck on the volcanic sands of the beach. A huge orca was on the same side of the reef, attempting to grip that magalodon's tail, and another was on the other side of the reef, with another shark, having only been seen for a moment while it attacked its abdomen and then dragged it down.

The rest of the pod of Dolphins switched their direction and darted back out toward the deeper waters, attempting to avoid the fate of the one on land.

The fact there are two orcas and the giant shark is more than enough for Nick to say 'screw you' to this particular stretch of water. "That's my cue to leave," he says wryly to Rick. "Thanks for the beer." The beer is lifted in a little tacit 'cheers' sort of gesture, before Nick takes another swallow and begins a casual stroll toward where he left his towel, shirt, shoes, and other things. That's about when the shark and dolphin come body surfing up onto the beach, and his casual stroll turns a bit more purposeful, making sure he's not in the path of the megalodon. He does pull out his cell phone to snap a quick photo, before punching in a few numbers. "Hey. I'm on my way," he says to whoever's on the other end, giving one wary glance at the shark and orcas on the beach as he heads toward the path that will take him to the street.

The sheer chaos on the beach is a thing you have to see to believe. People climbing over one another to get away, kids knocked down as adults barreled past them. Screaming, crying, shouts of terror, a few screams of "That POOR DOLPHIN!" and then a couple of people screaming in languages that had little to do with English, even if terror was a universal thing.

The two people out in the water that Rick was heading toward are still there, eyes like saucers, looking pale, like they may well have committed some body fluids to the sea.

Shadows lengthen and the light turns golden as the sun sinks toward the west through a clear sky.

The tide is low and slack.

Rick reaches the two swimmers, and he doesn't bother to say much to them, except, "Come on!" Then he just grabs each of them by an arm and starts to pull them toward the shore, though he does at least attempt to keep an eye on where the shark is. Oh, and now it's on the beach. That's good. He tries to kick faster, as his pace is nowhere near fast enough, at least in his mind.

Conni pulls out a length of steel from her tube and then spends a moment screwing it onto the top of her walking stick. Alerted by the noise on the beach, she watches as the mega shark almost beaches itself in an attempt to go after the dolphins and seeing a target, she starts to run. Splashing through the water, she lets out a fierce roar as she gets close to the shark, diving over its snout and driving her spear in at the creature as she passes over. Rolling to a stop, she blinks as she notices the distinct lack of damage. "Knep dig selv!"

Joseph the shark attempted to thrash his way out of the hold that Akhlut had on him, but it was really to no avail. The Orca had him dead to rights in his jaws and he was stuck. Seriously stuck. It couldn't even manage enough of a toss to dissuade the Orca form of Akhlut to even loosen its grip.

The massive male orca open and reopened his jaws on the shark underbelly, trickles of blood came with it as Akhlut kicked and turned against the shark. The change of direction forced water to move uselessly against the shark's gills, robbing it of oxygen. As the shark weakened, Akhlut kicked and turned the shark towards the sea bottom, his own massive tail kicked waves of water. The orca held the upside shark in a dizzy death spiral, setting the shark in tonic immobilization.

Nala, in her Orca form, came back around, her black fin and then the sleek, black shape of her upper body visible, along with the white saddle markings near her dorsal. As the shark firmly had itself somewhat on land, her primary goal seemed to become its tail. The massive orca rushed forward, going in for the strike, and those vicious Orca teeth ripped through the sandpaper hide of the shark. The sound of tearing and breaking could be heard on land even as blood spilled out into the water from the wound. The giant megalodon thrashed and its ruined tail moved through the water, broken, torn, twisting and falling so that the tail fin was flat, floating at the top of the water, holding on by only a bit of muscle tissue to the rest of the massive shark's body.

The evening stars come out as the red-orange sun sinks below the horizon.

The massive shark that was partially on land didn't seem to be having a particularly good day, really. It was just going for takeout dolphin, and then its plans were completely wrent assunder. Conni stabbing it caused it to look away from the dolphin it was after and focus a single, soulless black eye onto the Valkyrie. As the huge thing was mauled beyond livability by the orca in the water behind it, it's back arched and it bounced on the shore a bit.

A moment later, 4 huge legs popped out of the megalodon's side, each one the size of a full grown human. The legs formed with the sound of bones and flesh rending, popping into place, and soon, the creature was up on four legs, holding it's truly massive girth above the level of the sand with those powerful limbs.

Turning with the force of all that power behind it, the megalodon lunged forward after Conni and her spear. Huge, serrated teeth were brought down onto her leg, tearing through the flesh and letting free a gush of blood as the land-walking shark bit her deeply into the thigh.

If anyone was left unpanicked before now, that became a thing of the past. People screamed bloody murder as the shark grew legs, then flooded away from the beach in a massive, manic wave of humanity, climbing over one another, tramping each other, leaving everything behind on the beach as they madly dashed for survival.

Rick sets his sights on the beach and just goes, pushing as hard as he can the rest of the way. As soon as his feet touch the sand he just starts pushing the two hapless swimmers in front of him, and yells, "//Go!//" Of course, now the shark on the beach is walking around, so is it really that much safer on land than in the water? "Holy shit!" he exclaims, and for a second he just stares at the scene, because, well...it's quite a sight.

Conni lets out an almost ear piercing scream when her thigh is bitten, the look on her face going between surpise and anger. Still screaming, she spins round and leaps at the shark, common sense having quietly departed the beach at this point. Howling like someone possessed, Conni lunges, stabs, bites, kicks and flails at the megaladon, letting out a roar of triumph when blood is repaid with blood. "You should have stayed in the water!" Thankfully, the adenaline is still pumping but with that, her blood as well and it is with a strange, almost detached look on her face that she clamps a hand down over her thigh.

Joseph couldn't seem to get any leeway from Akhlut the Orca. He was stuck. Well and truly stuck. As the Tonic Shock set in, he started twitching, thrashed again valiantly, but Akhlut managed to hold on to him despite it, keeping Joseph the Shark at his most vulnerable.

The stars glitter like diamonds in the deep sapphire blue of the night sky.

The tide is low and rising.

Akhlut, in orca form, continued turned with the shark in his mouth, clicking to keep aware of his surrounding. Rolling near the surface, the shark's tail flipped through the air, sending out another splash on water. Two rows of four inch cone teeth were digging and breaking through the underside of the Joseph the shark as the water bloomed red with its blood. Both shark and the shadow beside it disappeared from the surface.

Nala continued through the water after the rather successful attempt to remove the tail of the shark that terrorized the land. Her massive orca form wasn't made for land-going, but she brought herself up onto the beach anyway, just behind and to the side of the huge shark, and attempted to bite onto the Shark's rear leg. She missed, with a chittering, clacking sound from Nala the Orca's throat, before her teeth clashed shut and she started to rock to try to shimmy herself back out into water she could move in. Massive orcas aren't really all that good when their weight isn't being held up by salt water, after all.

The four legged, viciously maimed megalodon that had terrified the shoreline wasn't screaming. But the way it moved suggested a shit ton of pain as it all but writhed under its sandpaper-textured skin. It rounded on Conni as it dodged out of the way of Nala's hungry Orca jaws and turned at the woman with her spear. Surging at her, Prell the Shark almost got hold of her limb again, this time the arm, but Conni managed to avoid it by matter of simply being more agile, and likely much more adept at land dwelling. It helps if you don't expect the surge or weightlessness of the ocean to help out, and Conni definitely had it better than the land shark at that point.

The madness on the beach wasn't getting any less so when people were showered with water and blood droplets from the maimed megalodon's tail as the landshark swung around. People were in the parking lot, peeling out as they drove away like the hounds of hell were on their heels.

Rick only hesitates for a second, at least. Or maybe a few seconds, but no more than that. Once he manages to rouse himself from the shock, he reaches down to grab a good sized rock. He hefts it in his hand, gauging the movements of the one that has lost its tail, before he lunges forward, smashing the rock and his fist into its head.

Joseph was trying to fight, but it was clear that the fight was draining out of him along with the fatty, delicious tissue of his liver. He couldn't even struggle hard enough to make Akhlut notice he was fighting him off, and the Orca still had him.

Swaying now, Conni lets out a cheer once Rick finishes off the megashark, offering him a thumbs up and a quirky smile as she vainly tries to stem the bleeding in her leg. "That was really good. You should eat the heart now to show him who is boss!" Only half joking, Conni takes a step towards the shark and then winces as he leg reminds her about the thigh-teeth interface that went on not to long ago. "I uh...I need to get this fixed. Could you make sure Nala and Akhlut are okay? Please tell them I went to find a doctor and that their clothes should be fine." Taking another breath, she concentrates for a moment and then two shimmering black wings pop out from behind her back. "Thank you again Rick, we really should stop meeting like this. People will talk!" Winking to Rick, her wings flap once, twice and then with a loud whooshing noise, she is up in the air.

When the rock came down onto Prell the Land-Walking Megalodon's head, it was with a sickening crack. The mammoth creature fell flat, it's limbs collapsing beneath it as the life fell from it. Its eyes looked glossed over and fixated. And it didn't move at all when the water came up and touched its rear legs and ruined tail.

      • Swap previous two poses.

The orca moved its jaws in a couple more pointed attacks before shaking the shark loose. In the cloud of gore that inked the water, the shark's removed liver was swallowed down happily. The orca sped up once more, clicking and trilling to sort out what was still alive in the water before breaching the surface and making another Sea World styled cannonball. Those his dolphinese wasn't perfect, dialects being what they are, stating the 'mouthbreather was dead and I'm no longer looking for food' should have been clear enough to the pod. Akhlut even gave a wide birth for the dolphins to make their way to deeper water.

After the giant Megalodon was killed, Nala the Orca came surging up onto land, being bouyed by the wave that carried her. Her powerful jaws latched onto the land-shark's leg and she gripped it tight, dragging it back into the water with her as she was tugged back in by the force of the water's movement.

Slowly, the giant shark was pulled fully into the water, then out a little deeper. Those watching from land could clearly see as the Orca's fin moved back and forth above the surface while she worked her way violently through the shark's side, digging into it deeply. Once she'd managed to grab hold of the massive, delightfully fatty liver, Nala jerked back hard and the Orca's head came up out of the water, her mouth holding a huge, glistening, rather impressively healthy looking organ she'd freed from the body of the dead megalodon. Letting out a shrill sounding series of clicks and whistles, she pushed up a little, showing off the prize to the shore as if Rick and Conni should be reveling in it with her, and then the Orca that was a shapeshifted Nala sank into the water to move deeper, chewing hunks of liver as she did so.

When the Orca was gone, just the slowly bobbing corpse of the land shark was left behind, in a growing spot of seeping, spreading, dark water where the blood was tinting the sea.

Even though it seems that he's done what he set out to do, Rick can't quite seem to believe that he has. He looks down at the rock in his hand, then at the dead shark..thing. He might have just stared at it even longer, but the orca lunging up the beach to grab it has him stumbling backward quickly with wide eyes. "Shit," he murmurs, and he turns quickly, making his way up the beach to grab his stuff and get the hell out of here before anything else comes up to try and eat him.

Bobbing in the air and quite sure that she can't stick around for too long, Conni lets out another cheer as she witnesses what is going on in the water. With her spear, she salutes the orcas still in the water before turning away. A crack of thunder and the lingering smell of ozone are all that is left aside from the dull thudding wing beats that are departing into the distance.

The male orca make a gentle turn to move along side Nala, ripping the trailing side of the massive liver in her mouth to drop it in their wake as they made for deeper and bluer water. A series of whistles pierced the water and offering for the dolphins' warning. The male sent another misting breath into the air before disappearing once more.

The female Orca was noticeably smaller than the insanely large male, but that was likely just a mind-boggling comparison, as she was gigantic. Freely letting pieces of shark liver go into the water, she rubbed herself up along Akhlut's side and continued out to the deep, blue, sea with him, obviously intending to enjoy the water for some time, now that they'd had themselves a proper snack. They left their things on the beach without thought, likely expecting them to be there when they returned.

The Dolphin that had been on the beach made serious efforts to get itself back into the water once the huge shark was gone, finally managing to jerk itself back into the surf to join its pod as it swung back around. The six, grey creatures moved through the trail of fatty meat left behind by the two orcas and took the bits as proper reward for luring the shark to its death, and continued to leap and play in the water as they followed the two darker animals until the food stopped coming.