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Calling Daddy

The time to call on Henry is at hand.

Dramatis Personae

Eve and Heath. Lo'ihi as GM. NPCs: Henry Idle

19 August, 2010

Eve calls Henry to give him the news... all the news.


Eve's Estate, Windward Coast


Plot:White Music

Eve's home seemed brightly lit today, not because the windows had been changed from their typical smokey glass, but because the light from the sunshine outside left little in the way of shadows, and illuminated everything with a warm, summery, glow. It took some of the severity off the edges of her new furnishings, but made them almost stand out in stark contrast. While it is bright and warm outside, the inside of her home is cool and dry, the benefit of air conditioning that ran quiet enough to not bother anyone, and delicate enough that it avoided making any of the plants inside the house rustle.

Eve herself was settled comfortably on the new, angled couch in her living area, with her slimline laptop set closed on the coffee table just ahead of her. Dressed as she was, she almost looked like she should be outside in the sun, soaking it up. Her dress was a simple, yet stylish, and sunny design. The top was white, a halter style that left most of her back bare, and dipped low enough to give a solid view of the globes of her breasts, without being indecent. The bottom half of the dress was a series of white and red, horizontal stripes, which seemed to playfully move with the flared style that flared out until it reached her thighs, about 8 inches above the knee. Eve's long, shapely, legs were left bare, and on her feet are a set of strappy, white, 5", heeled sandals that seemed to have almost been designed with this particular dress in mind. To top off the look of being fresh and summery, Eve's red lips matched the red stripes on her dress, and her hair was left down, in silken, heavy, waves that were perfectly coiffed and shone with a healthy sort of vibrancy. The overall effect was that she looked like she could grace any outdoor patio and be ready for her closeup, even if her dove gray eyes didn't quite carry the warmth her clothing suggested she might have.

Heath had hung his jacket when he had entered Eve's house, placed a soft kiss on her cheek and headed to the bar to get out his slimbook to open it and boot it while he got himself a drink. The man continued working, sending out emails, reading reports, and condense them into briefs to be sent off to his assistant to be proofed. The moment they had returned, he kicked copies to Eve's computer and his father's. The scotch kept flowing as he worked, as if he was attempting to work through the underlying stress.

He was dressed in a perfectly English-tailored grey suit, white button up dress suit, and crimson tie. Sweat and outward signs of stress was kept to a minimum as he continued to work at the bar on his reports. The advantages of assistants and schedules should never be underestimated. Proper time frames for individuals to read reports, create counter briefs, and more importantly schedule appointments was always key. Sending off another report, Heath turned towards Eve to watch the woman, taking in the windows of her dress as only an Idle could.

Eve had, of course, returned the kiss to Heath's cheek when he came into the room, but had not bothered to stand and go over to the bar herself. Instead, she'd remained seated, her eyes leaving the man as he worked so she could look out through the back wall of her home and watch the trees gently moving in the breeze. The juxtaposition between the faintly moving outdoors and the fact that she didn't seem to move even an eyelash was a real one. Current company being that of an unmixed nature meant she didn't have to practice any of her cultivated, small, motions that helped her blend into humanity, and so Eve stayed where she was, without even the hint of life from her. When Heath had finished up with his reports and sent them on, there was no reaction, until he turned to look at her. Like some sort of marble statue suddenly graced with life, Eve turned her face to look at the man, and slowly gave him a smile that would turn any prey animal's blood to ice water, sharp as a razor and stained with the bright, apple-red that one could confuse for fresh, heart's blood. "Finished, darling?"

The words slipped from Eve's lips as she reached out to open up her slimline laptop and proceeded to make the few, short, keystrokes that were required for her to open up the document he'd sent over. Rather than glancing up at him every few moments, she instead dedicated her attention to the information he'd sent her way, gathering it for the conversation soon to come. "I see." Yes, it was a simple comment. But what else would she have said at the moment? Eve then took a moment to reposition herself, swapping out which leg was crossed over the other, and then patted the couch next to her with a delicate hand. "Come, my love, sit with me?"

Heath stood up, straightening his tie, and turned back to the bar to make Eve a tequila. Picking up her and his glass, he took a seat beside her and offered her the drink. "Things are rarely finished. There's always some detail to be discovered and played. A culture that has been isolated for so many years, I believe the Oni had much the same policy. Maybe this is this particular clan's attempt at a game changer." The man waited for Eve to take her glass before taking a sip of his own. "You look stunning, by the way." He allowed his eyes the pleasure of taking in the whole of her form once more in thorough examination of her, the corner of his mouth lifting. "Do you have any questions?"

A message window popped up on Eve's computer from Henry Idle: I have read the reports and processed them.

"Thank you." Eve accepted the glass graciously and took a swallow from it before setting it gently onto the coffee table near the open computer. She smiled a bit less predatorially at Heath and leaned over to delicately place a kiss at the corner of his mouth, leaving behind her tequila scented, warm breath as she leaned back to her own position, but none of the red stain from her lips, as it certainly wasn't lipstick. "You look lovely as well, I always did enjoy how you wear a good suit. Maybe we can even get your brother out of his ill-fitting American designs one day." She grunted a slight laugh, then shook her head. "I still can't believe that child has himself convinced that living off of his meager earnings is doing something good for him. But, eventually, I'm hoping he'll grow out of it." Eve looked over at the blinking notification from Henry, then took a slow breath in. "I'm fairly sure that any questions I might have would only overlap your father's. So in this case, I imagine that we can simply discuss it together. And anything I wish to know that isn't covered can be asked then, for us all to digest." She reached over and slid her hand along Heath's thigh, purposefully brushing in such a way that she increased blood-flow toward his pelvis, and ending with her palm resting just below where his leg met his body. "I suppose I'll open the call to your father, since he messaged, it means he's likely ready to start the meeting. I had his secretary hold us an hour. Hopefully we won't go over, but we'll see." She smiled to Heath, then gave him a wink, before she drew her hand away and used it to turn on the voice and video chat to Henry.

Heath's eyes drifted closed as Eve kissed the corner of his mouth, and reopened as she parted. The tip of his tongue took the hint of tequila from it. "He's on retainer, and we do have a dress code for when he's in the office. I'll have the tailor sent for measurements." The irritation was present in his short sigh. "Even if he doesn't give voice to it, his second soul craves distress. I'll pretend it is the same part that tries to make his life difficult. I try not to take offense of it." Heath made no effort to guard his thigh, nor the reaction of increased blood flow that came about under Eve's hand.

Within seconds of Eve turning on voice chat, the image of Henry Idle in his office appeared. The same distinguished man they had both known throughout their lives. His attention was locked on the camera. The corner of his lips raised, hinting at a smile as he spoke, his accent the same smooth Irish accent. "Evilynn Dasse... You are looking phenomenal as always, as much as it ails me to admit, the sun has done wonders for your complexion." His eyes never seemed to move as he stared at the same location, the night sky of New York in the background. "Heath, your brief was thorough, which is appreciated." The man took a slow and deep breath, "You both have my undivided attention."

Eve gave a fully devilish smile to Henry as she looked at the screen, leaning back just a little so he could appreciate her clothing more fully. "How kind of you to say, Henry. You look dashing as always. Surrounded by your sons I sometimes find myself searching for your face in theirs, but it's never the same as seeing you." She glanced over at Heath, then back to the monitor, still giving that smile. "As always, Heath's ability to consume the information about a given situation and provide it in a quickly ingestable brief is a benefit, even if it is something I took a bit of his attention away from your business to do. This, though, might impact not only your business, but our personal lives, so I felt it was something worth the while."

Obviously shifting to the more pertinent business at hand, Eve uncrossed her legs and sat up a bit, fixing her attention to Henry as if she were sitting across the table from him. Her lips no longer carried a smile, but instead were a somewhat displeased slash of crimson across her finely featured face as she formulated her next set of words. The moment passed, and she finally spoke, her tone somewhat hollow. "First, I have to inform you that we've received word that the White Court has decided intention to take over this little island. The Oni information that Heath provided was due to the fact that, at the very least, the Skavis family, my family, has brought them in as an ally for the purpose of doing just that."

When Eve looked at Heath, the corners of his mouth lifted and he resettled himself on the couch to give his father full view of Eve. The younger Idle offered a solemn nod to his father, "I referenced the properties that were mentioned in the Oni file as well for the sake of refreshing memories, The Volcanic Spa and Bathhouse and our warehouse in Kaimuki. The latter for the attempted acquisition in 1972 by another Oni clan. I found only their proposal and our letter of rejection... Which was concise. The place isn't even used for storage, nor could I find anything beyond the taxes paid for the property." His breath snagged in a flare of hormones.

Henry took the opportunity to watch Eve lean back, consuming the details of the dress and the form concealed beneath. The mention of impact on business and personal lives, propped him to raise an eyebrow as his blue eyes stayed affixed on the image of Eve. "There is no need to apologize to me for Heath's assistance in this manner. He sent a copy of Damien's retainer contract to me, so I've allowed freedom in his schedule. Damien is staying at an Idle suite for now, but the need for permanent residence should be pressed upon him." The man's eyes narrowed for a moment, "There have anyways been moves, Evilynn. The Skavis don't make the mistake to put their names on them, but the lines of influence are there. In mentioning them by name, I'll assume you have evidence of their direct involvement. I will send security until the matter is handled, or would you prefer a plane to bring you all back to New York?" His hand moved to make a note. "How did you arrive at this conclusion?"

Eve took a slow, studied breath, then closed her eyes for a moment, not really moving in any way that would make her seem as though she was uncomfortable, but instead stilling entirely. When she opened her eyes and looked at Henry, there was more silver in them, less gray, and she finally spoke after what seemed almost to be a full 30 seconds of pause. "A warning was delivered to me. By Yvette." She didn't look away from Henry as she said it, but instead maintained that precise, unmoving posture, her breasts hardly rising and falling with her every breath.

Heath kept silence, his eyes shifting from Henry to Eve. The younger man mindful of the shifts in her posture, or more importantly the lack thereof.

The man on the screen did not seem rattled by the statement, but leaned back in his chair to consider for several seconds, his fingers interlacing as he brought his hands to his lips. His eyes hardened as he stared at the screen, watching Eve's posture like a hawk. "There was an edict on this." He let those words sink into Eve, while watching her as he continued. "There are actually two properties held by Idle Industries and a subsidiary. Both properties are points of power, or the closest property to them. The Oni clan that attempted to buy the warehouse clearly knew the value of the property when they made their proposal, and understood the immediate denial in return. Anything that happens on that property can shape the powers that flow through it or at the very least be tapped for that purpose. That is why there is no business being conducted there. Our subsidiary is Dole. Their plantation has security measures seemingly out of place on Oahu for much the same reason." Henry's eyes narrowed on Eve. "Convince me."

Eve didn't shuffle, she didn't fidget, but the slow building, dim shimmer of silver in her eyes grew slightly, blocking out the slight blue that made them grey in their usual tone. "That will be difficult, because of what else happened upon her arriving to my home to warn me, my love." Eve licked her lips, her tongue seeming so very pink against the crimson red of her lips. "She fucked your son in my home. I sent him a warning, but in his... foolishness, he fucked her on my couch. Without the use of a condom." Eve swallowed softly, her eyes now starting to cast shadows formed by her thick, black, eyelashes along the edges of the table and the sides of the computer. If it hadn't been daylight, they likely would have displayed fringed shadow puppets on the walls. "She made it very clear that he'd spilled inside of her. Which could further complicate the issue."

Heath ran his fingers through his hair. Watching Eve going silver, he knocked back his drink. There was a long hummed series of notes that didn't seem entirely in harmony. The younger Idle cut in, "Yvette came into the house without invitation, and her demon weakened to helplessness. Damien could have thrown her through a wall if need be, or had her splitting her veins." Heath rose up to walk to the bar to refill his drink, seeming just irritated.

Henry watched as Eve's eyes grew gray. "So you are telling me to have a doctor on standby to confirm her pregnancy before her life is extinguished, Eve? Would you prefer to see her in a runed collar and locked away without sun? I do remember Yvette, and tortures would only be processed as pleasures. And what should be done with our son, Eve? Whether he did not recognize the danger, or he simply ignored your warning, the failure lays with the parent. What punishment do you deserve in this?"

Eve's shimmer shifted to something more akin to her swallowing the whole moon, on a full night, and light bloomed from her like she'd suddenly caught fire in silver flame. "I should eat him, devour him entirely. I have another to replace him with." Her eyes slid away from Henry as she looked over at Heath with a disturbingly adoring expression, though she had to gently slip her fingertips across the corner of her mouth as if she might have started drooling. When she looked back at Henry, the gleam of her that threatened to nearly burst from her skin hadn't waned. "Would that punish us both enough, do you think, my love?"

Heath's irritation evaporated in a smile to the bar as he poured his drink and took a sip of scotch. He turned to face Eve, seeming warmed and basking in that silver light radiating from her skin like it was a gorgeous day at the beach. He watched her brimming with endearment, doing nothing to adjust the swell down the leg of his suit pants as he drank.

A small smile graced Henry's lips as he watched Eve. "Damien will learn the value of doing what he is told through long hours of reading case files and contracts. Thank you for your candor. It is deserving of a reward. Take what flesh is needed to know Yvette's mind in this matter. I will send a collar to you." The man sighed, "If Damien is attached to Yvette by child, you will be without one in which to create an alliance. Now is not the time to avoid these possibilities, Eve."

Eve managed to contain herself a touch, to where the light in her skin and eyes still glowed but didn't quite beat with the resounding tumescence and pressure it had a moment ago. She looked at Henry, allowing her eyes to travel over his face, down his throat, over his shoulders, like she was touching him. Then she moved that gaze over to Heath, and as she had more of him to go over, she started at his face, then went down along his body, with her attention scraping over him almost physically tangible as she did so. "Yvette was prepared to die to deliver her warning, and the fact that she was able to touch our son before death made it only more sweet. She has given up her hope of life, and succumbed to the acceptance that her time is to end." Eve shifted her attention back to Henry then, giving him a smile that only curled up at the edges. "I have already mentioned to our son that there could be a marriage, with children, between himself and Yvette. It could cement an alliance of sorts, one that was supposed to take place between myself and Yvette, had she been born with the right plumbing and not the dissatisfying reproductive organs she brought to her parents from the womb." Eve moved her hands up to her neck, stroking over the straps of her dress as she did so, her fingers pressing into her flesh to leave indents and faint trails behind themselves up her chest then over her shoulders. "Would it please you at all to have a daughter in law that test our son, so?" The dim clicking sound that came from behind Eve's neck was followed up by a loosening of the straps that held her dress up, causing the fabric at her chest to gape just a little, but not quite enough to reveal much more of her breasts, at least not while her hands were still up on her own shoulders, holding the straps mostly in place.

Heath leaned against the bar to allow Eve her thorough examination of his body. Wisps of despair dropped off of him as his cock throbbed for attention that wasn't gifted. At the bottom of his hidden girth, the grey material darkened with moisture. The man took another drink of his scotch, but his eyes were glued to Eve. His voice raised a touch to be caught by the computer, "Is there the option of extending a short term lease to the Oni? If the Skavis are in the process of brokering an alliance, it would allow us to present a counter offer for their loyalties as demons are bound by contracts. I could draw up the paperwork for Dasse Realty to act as the intermediary in negotiations, and with the signing of the lease, a block to the threat as you mentioned the Skavis are not ones to come at us directly."

Henry's eyes took on a glint of lustful attention as Eve stared at him and Heath. "I do recall Yvette's attachment to you, Evilynn. Yvette would have stretched herself over your fist so wholly in a semblance of being stretched out by part of you. I'll assume you warned Damien of this, and that it would always her desire. I will withhold my blessing until she is proven to be pregnant and the child tested at birth as his. After you have exhausted Yvette's knowledge of the situation, give the collar to Damien is my engagement present." Henry's hand broke and he gestured for the dress to fall as he considered, a genuine but savage smile appearing. "I have my doubts about the situation, but Damien is my son. We do not break." He waited, his own hands dropping from sight as he considered. "Heath, draw up a short term lease by month for a period of three and six months. Send it to legal, then have them sent it to Dasse Realty to make contact with the Oni. Evilynn, you have some room to negotiate as you see fit, but under no circumstance will the lease be longer than one year."

Eve glanced over at Heath as he made the suggestion of a short term lease to the Oni, her brow raising slightly, the thought causing something to turn over in her mind. "A revolving lease, perhaps, if they show interest in the one year term. Or in a shorter term to start. Something that promises more in the future, but never at more than a 6 month interval. Though I'll start at 3 months. If we can have them eating from our hands at 3 months out of every 5 or 10 years, that would be enough." Her eyes had slowly moved back to Henry as Eve spoke, and at the movement of his hand, she loosened the hold she had on the straps of her dress and let the top of it fall down, leaving her still-glowing skin fully exposed, her proud, firm, nearly perfectly tear-drop shaped breasts bore nipples solid shades darker than the rest of her flesh that had been tightened to vicious nubs. Leaving her arms up, with her hands at her shoulders, Eve watched Henry with her eyes blazing and silver, her chin lifting just a little to give him a better view of her neck, long and fine of shape. "I'll see to Yvette. And make the idea known to her in great detail." Eve's white teeth bit into her bottom lip, then, starkly contrasting the stained red of her mouth.

A soft groan slipped from Heath as he stared at what he knew to be perfect breasts, having to shift his left leg to change the tension of the material over his pinned erection. He nodded to Eve, reaching across his chest to add a note on his laptop. "Revolving lease, 1, 3, and 6 month contracts. Nothing holds loyalty like profit sharing." The man smirked as he added his notes, and took another drink of his scotch, his attention nearly constantly going back to Eve.

Henry stared at those perfect breasts, taking a deep breath of air, expressing the desire for the well known scent. "I have a business trip to Tokyo in four days, and will be making a layover in Oahu. My secretary will send the details. Clear your schedule, Evilynn, as I want your full attention." The tension in his shoulders built as his gaze moved up to her neck. "I have no doubt you will go to great lengths to confer that importance to her. Be sure that Damien knows from your lips before hers. No point in souring a relationship before the seeds are sown." The man continued to drink in the details of Eve, "Before I send Heath to retrieve the object in the silver box from the bedroom, were there any other questions or concerns?"

Eve's wolfish smile pulled her lip from between her teeth, slowly enough that it looked like it might tear. "Profit sharing indeed." She said it while looking at Henry, her eyes watching him knowingly as she slowly, and yet quite purposefully, pressed her fingers into her skin hard, and then pulled them down, so that they left pinkish marks behind on her still slightly glowing flesh. She didn't go so far as to bring her hands down over her breasts, but she did allow the lines to continue until she almost reached them, before lowering her hands to the couch and laying them palm down, leaving her topless self almost in a frame for the looking. "I'll make sure that the only thing on my schedule that day is your whim, my love. I look forward to seeing you, and I'll be sure to stop in to speak to Yvette before you arrive. Might as well give you all that I can in the short time you'll be visiting." A pulse started in her neck, quick, as the glimmer of her skin picked up a peachy sort of tone, her blood obviously moving to cause a blush along her cheeks, along the upper mounds of her breasts, and over her collar bones. "I don't believe I have any further questions, Henry. Concerns, well, they will surely become more clear after my next meeting with my son's possible future wife."

Heath took another drink of his scotch before setting it on the bar top. Heath shook his head, "I'll have the contracts bounced around the parties before presentation. I recall they have their contracts signed in blood, there's more than one way to go about that." The man strode towards the bedroom to retrieve the object in question.

Henry stared on the lines Eve made on her flesh. "In spite of what she did in warning you, I have never heard stories of Yvette acting beyond her own self-interests save for mention of you. I love Damien. He is my son. It does not mean that all the lessons of life have been imparted upon him." The man on screet made an unashamed sound of carnal desire, watching Eve. "I appreciate your advice for the contracts. I am regularly reminded that I paid full price of my penthouse for a reason."

Eve's eyes shifted to watch Heath walk to the bedroom, but only for a moment, before they turned back to Henry. "It's not in her to think of anything beyond herself, really. Even when thinking of me, it's entwined with her thoughts of her. And you're right about our Son, I'm hoping this teaches him something valuable." Eve's throat could be seen moving as she swallowed, hearing the sound Henry made only causing her to flush a little more, until her skin could practically be seen heating up. "I never enjoyed a transaction more than the day you signed that paperwork, my love." Her voice sounded tighter, and Eve's breath had begun coming in faster, eager waves until she was nearly panting. Still, she sat, waiting, her hands on the couch, palm down, even as her breasts started to rise and fall far more noticeably.

Scene faded...