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Latest revision as of 06:05, 25 June 2018

Turning Max

The Time for Change is Nigh.

Dramatis Personae

Max. Loa as GM. NPCs: Hailey

31 May, 2009

Max embraces the Tlazolli ways.


Honolulu, Downtown in a Cool, Dark, Place


Plot:Bad Blood

This room is dark, cool, and yet not so cold that it would be considered uncomfortable. Also not so dark that it's threatening, with the single, dimly lit, lamp in the far corner sending its illumination to be diffused throughout the room. While simply decorated, there is a fully made double bed with two pillows, the floor is carpeted in utilitarian yet obviously new burber, and the hardest edges are those created by the walls making up the four corners of the space.

Aside from the bed, there's a comfy looking loveseat along the far wall, a night table with a bowl of water on it, a stack of washcloths, and a thick, gray, towel.

It's really impossible to know the time of day or night, considering the fact that there are no windows. At some point after the last time Max fell asleep, though, she'd been carried to another room. She'd also been stripped naked, washed from head to toe, including her hair, and her teeth had been brushed recently enough that she could still taste the cool, refreshing flavor of spearmint on her tongue. Currently, she's alone, laying on the fairly comfortable, crisply linened, double bed with a sheet and blanket pulled up over her naked body to keep her warm. The air in the room is cool and dry. The door to the room is shut, and no light is coming in through the square of the doorjam or underneath the door.

Heroin was known for causing time to slip away as the user nodded off in opium sedation. Max had long decided the effects of the Kiss cause nearly the same receptors to flare. "Has it been long enough for me to decide?" Thinking out long, and testing her vocal cords. Her eyes blinked in the darkness, as she pointed drew a lungful of air, testing the humid and for that cold feeling in the lungs when one breaths in directly from an AC vent. Running her tongue in her mouth to test the mint flavour, she oozed her way to sit upright. Her eyes rolled in their sockets as she tried to get her bearings. "Is not as cool as the upstairs... But there could have been a dozen side rooms..." Reaching up, she tested her hair for its natural grease and potentially unwashed condition.

Whether or not it was truly expected, there was no answer to Max's question. The cool air was decidedly from an AC unit, which would explain some of the lack of humidity. The soft light from the lamp, while it wasn't bright by any stretch, did show enough of the room that there were clearly no windows, no point of egress other than the door. Unless of course you could shrink down to get through one of the AC vents at the top of the wall, or walk through walls. The clear bowl next to the bed seemed to obviously indicate the clear water inside of it, and it just sat there waiting, but there were no cups provided, no other form of sustenance at the moment. And it had been long enough since Max's last fix that the creeping along the skin was starting at the back of her neck.

Max's vision slowly moved around the room to take in the details from the place. At the point it required her shoulder to move, the vertigo caused a soft groan to spill from her. She started focusing on the crawl on her skin, trying to imagine her drug of choice, but at this point, she realized 'choice' wasn't a factor. "Beggars can't..." She didn't finish the thought as she placed her palms on the bed to aid she legs in moving to the edge of the bed towards the bowl. Swallowing to test the dryness. The thought of water was good, but the thought of vomitting counterbalanced it. So with slow movement, trying to keep the shaking to a minimum, she dipped her fingers in the water, and brought them back to her mouth to suck the water from them.

When the door opened it wasn't with a knock, it wasn't with any sort of hushed waiting, it was efficient, quick, and through it walked Hailey, looking as blonde and completely flawless as ever. Her thick hair had been pulled up into a fancy, messy, bun that left some strategic fly-aways meant to draw the eye to the long lines of her neck and the curve of her jaw, along with a sweep across her forehead that helped draw attention to her eyes. Rather than wearing something suggestive, she arrived in nothing but a silk robe that looked like it had come from overseas, far into the orient, with its pale blue cranes on a silvery pink background. The cut of the garment was decidedly 'modern kimono' and when she walked, her long, tanned, legs caused the edges of the calf-length garment to flip and dance, revealing the interior lining that shimmered and was pale gray. Rather than walk into the room barefoot, Hailey actually had on a set of bamboo sandals that lashed over the top of her feet with old-school, finely woven leather.

Naturally, Hailey shut the door immediately behind her as she came into the room, then started over toward the bed and Max with a smile on her glossy pink lips that looked almost dewy. "Hey there sleeping beauty." Her voice was that same, honeyed tone that had spoken to Max repeatedly over the last day or... week? Month? Year? "You look like you slept well, I hope the bed's comfortable?" This asked as the woman tested it out herself and took a seat next to Max, not close enough that the other woman bumped into her, but close enough that the mattress tilted a little toward Hailey.

Max lacked wasn't the most easy to startle, having seen worlds that defy rational explanation. Her mouth may have moved in a silent count to gauge her own reaction to the moment. Blinking slowly as she watched Hailey cross the room, the pattern a clumsy jagged line. The honeyed voice was another simulus extirely, unchanging, it was Pavlov's bell. A soft moan slipped from Max, the hand holding the blanket to her throat fell to her lap to expose her breasts. Max leaned to Hailey a more than the shift in her center of gravity would immediately explain. Licking her lips, Max spoke softly in return. "The bed is comfortable. Thank you..." A shudder ran through Max, as she swallowed at the knot forming in her throat. "You washed me, and brushed my teeth. Is there a client?"

Hailey, despite staying precisely where she was, seemed alright with Max leaning toward her, and even moved her arm to wrap around the tattooed girl's shoulders. The sensation of expensive, finely hand-woven silk wasn't like any other fabric in the world, and it moved over Max's skin like cool water even as Hailey's arm came to rest, her fingers lightly stroking over Max's tattoo on her arm. "Would you like it if there were a client?" Hailey asked the question, then looked over at Max curiously. Her pale, greenish eyes were harder to see for pure color in the dim illumination, but they still looked decidedly light in color.

Max, again, swallowed at the knot in her throat, and drew in a shaking breath. "I'm not stupid. I'm awake, clean, and in another few hours I'm going to have the sweats and cramps. But it's just not the heroin, so I can't me sure. You require something of me, and this is all I can to do not to start begging..." There was another tremble that ran through her body. "And Vivian isn't here, so I don't know what to expect, save expecting something." Max allowed her eyes to close, nuzzling into the cooling wash of silken robe. "I'm not the best at subtle... More like a slow motion trainwreck... And I think you're more clever than a dealer that can be distracted with the promise of his dick being sucked. I could..." Max started breathing swallow, "I could have taken a fistful of what was in that pink bag while I had his pants around his ankles..." A soft groan slipped out and she shook her head softly against Hailey.

There was a soft chuckle, something that came from deep in Hailey's chest as she pulled Max in closer and kind of tucked her in against the side of Hailey's body. Her other hand came up and started to fingercomb through Max's hair gently, the taller woman easily supporting the leaning and even full on clinging of Max's sleight frame if necessary. Through the silk, it's easy to tell that Hailey has chosen to wear nothing but the double layer of delicate fabric for this particular visit. "That's actually something I noticed about you, little Max. You aren't stupid." Hailey shook her head softly and rubbed the side of her jaw along the edge of Max's temple. "Vivica isn't here because this is my domain, not hers. Still, it would amuse me decidedly if someone offered to suck my dick for heroine. So much so that I might let them try, since... well. It would require some real talent. Don't be too hard on poor Joseph, though. He does his best. He simply doesn't have the mind for the more expansive plans. He's much more talented at keeping himself in the moment." Hailey's dry tone was likely obvious enough that even a slightly addled Max could catch it. "Do you prefer what you got in the needle to what we've been giving you through your skin?"

Max's tension slowly oozed from her body, the more she was pet and listened to Hailey. She replied with a gentle nod to Hailey identifying the place as hers and not Vivica's. Shifting her hand across Hailey's lap, Max's fingers played with the material over her hip. The mention of deciding between needle or tongue, drove Max's mind to trying to imagine the exact sensation of each, her hips shifting is a slow figure-eight. It only when so far as to remind her she was on the edge of comingdown, and she wasn't completely about to straggle the sound of discomfort. Panting, she closed her eyes, slowing her breath. "I don't know if I would have been able to answer if it was your voice asking. Just in asking, you know I'd pick your mouth. Be a slave to it." Turning her head, she breathed through Hailey's robe, and shivered.

Hailey nodded and breathed a soft gush of air over the edge of Max's temple. "That's the true pain of having an addiction, really. The slavery we give ourselves over to." When Hailey's lips touched Max's temple, they were soft, smooth, and dry. "Lay down, Max." In conjunction with the words, Hailey took her arm away from where she'd wrapped it around Max's shoulders. She then patted the bed with her hand, and moved to stand up, giving Max plenty of room to swing her legs up onto the bed without Hailey being in the way.

Max let out a soft moan at the touch of Hailey's lips, saliva or not, Max's skin tightened in response. Max slowly sat up, watching Hailey get to her feet. Max blinked her watering eyes as she started shivering and panting for breath. If there was hesitation, it was ultimately her body's sluggish response as she forced her to turn on the bed. Her feet fumbled as the blanket to mound it away from her body. Her mouth set into a frown, as she found herself waiting, and trying to understand if it was impatience, desire, or outright insanity. Her nostrils were flared, and she was almost rigid when she nodded.

Hailey deftly slid her feet free of her sandals, then stepped over toward the bed barefoot. As she reached the bed, she stretched an arm and leg out, climbing up and over Max with the sighing of fine silk across skin, the sensation cold and simultaneously gentle as it touched the tattooed skin of the women beneath her. Crawling over Max, Hailey settled over the other woman's hips, straddling her, and then leaned over her upper body, the neckline of her robe gaping open to reveal more flawless, smooth, skin and the bare curves of her full breasts. With her hands caging Max, settling in to either side of her shoulders, Hailey smiled down to her from above before leaning a bit closer. When her voice came this time, it was with words that weren't in English. They flowed sensually and sweetly from Hailey's lips, rhythmic with a tone that was hushed and almost whispered. As she spoke, she rubbed her cheek against Max's, slow and gentle. "Welcome Max, to my fold. My Flock. My beloved." The English that finally came from Hailey's lips was accented, a flare on the vowels that made them dance against the consonants, and when she lifted her head a little to look into Max's eyes, Hailey's were pure, shimmering obsidian orbs and her smile was serene and soft.

With every movement that carried Hailey closed, it was like it was tightening a knot in Max's abdomen. The woman swallowed repeatly when you thought the sensation was a building nausea. Her eyes blinked as she attempted to place or sort the words to no avail. The soft contact of skin caused Max to make up her mind that the nausea was only desire. Rubbing her cheek in return, Max's lips parted to let out her moans as they came. Staring into those blackened orbs, Max's eyebrows came together betrayed a hint of fear, before the recent memory of Vivica's similar eyes and mouth caused her pupils to bloom once more. Reaching her hands under the robe, Max's fingers gripped at Hailey's hips, her fingers biting. The mention of being beloved caused Max's pelvis to rock with anticipation. Max stretched her neck, lifting her chin to expose as much as possible without breaking eye contact.

Hailey didn't react poorly to Max grabbing her, instead she shifted against the other woman, content with the skin to skin contact beneath the wash of silk from her robe. As the garment parted along the front seam, leaving only a thin, woefully less-than sturdy line of folded silk across her abdomen that had attempted to hold the fabric together, Hailey sat up a bit. She quite purposefully licked the pads of each of her four fingers, and then her thumbs, dampening her skin, and then leaned forward again. Instead of setting her hands to either side of Max on the bed, she brought her fingers to Max's face, stroking them over Max's cheeks, her forehead, and then over Max's eyelids. The sensation of Hailey's saliva coming into contact with Max's skin was immediate. That delicious trill of delight that was so akin to orgasm mixed with euphoria mixed with a lack of ability to focus on anything BUT the sensation. Hailey smiled the entire time, too, rolling her hips a bit as if she were enjoying riding the inevitably rocking hips that Max was sure to be providing in such a state.

Max's movement became more focused under Hailey. Watching Hailey lick her fingers, Max let out a gravelly moan, her heels immediately digging at the mattress for an anchor. The scent of feminine arousal building as fingertips washed over her face, and Max bucked, letting out straggled sounds as her body shook. Her iris rolled into the back of her head as sweat release grabbed hold. Max didn't fall to a complete pool, her grip holding Hailey to her as she ground under the woman, do her best to anchor Hailey's sex to her as she ground the hard edge of her mons to Hailey. Her muscles vibrated under her skin. The little addict was losing to the venom, but trying to offer something more than a boneless fish. When her eyes refocused, they locked on Hailey's lips, and she licked her own before chewing on them, even as her body shivered with pleasure.

Taking her hands back from Max, Hailey let out a soft sound as she was nearly lifted off the bed a time or two, her hands moving down along the lines of her own body in a steady slide as she took her time and enjoyed herself. As Max began calming again, Hailey leaned forward, smiling now enough that her teeth could be seen. The sharp, decidedly dangerous looking points of her canines seemed to bury themselves into Hailey's own bottom lip, and as she supported herself on her hands set to either side of Max's shoulders, a bright, crimson, liquid welled up over the edge of her bottom lip and rolled out over Hailey's chin, dripping along Max's body in heated droplets as she brought her mouth toward the Kiss-addled woman's. A drop of that hot liquid hit the surface of Max's lips just a moment before Hailey laid her bared chest onto Max's and then brought her mouth to bear in a pressured, deep, incessantly sensual touch that included tongue, lips, a little slice of sharp teeth. And of course there was the taste. Copper and heaven, blood and ecstacy. All of it blended together as Max got another hit of Red Court venom mixed with the electric sensation of having a Red Courtier's blood seeping into her mouth.

Max was entirely too far gone to care about details of teeth and blood. She was lost, and the only thing to hold onto was Hailey's mouth. Fevered sweat beaded as the blood and venom fulled her tongue, her breath slowing to a point she could only hum of desire. A wash of feminine nectar between her legs had her arching to press her body fully into Hailey, drinking and sucking the mix from the vampire's mouth, taking as much as she could. Her tongue massaged against tongue and fang, numbed to everything save for pleasure as Max repeated scratched and ripped it open like the tide driving a ship to the rocks.

Once Max's tongue was bleeding as freely as Hailey's lip, there was a low, dangerously delighted moan from the blonde pressed over top of Max. Her touch changed slightly, hands gripping to the bedding hard enough to make tearing sounds as her tongue and lips seemed to intensify, pressure building as Hailey started to really move against her. When Hailey ripped her mouth away from the tattooed woman, it was with what must have been an abundance of will, because it came with a grunt of effort. She brought her left hand up to her mouth, slid her wrist across her lips as if she were wiping away saliva, but only managed to smear blood and spittle across her cheek and jaw. And then Hailey was at Max's neck, moving so fast that the slightest blink would have missed the motion entirely. The touch of that wonderfully addictive mouth was felt, the sensation sinking into Max's skin moments before Hailey let out a groan of sheer, perverse delight, and bit into Max's neck deeply. The overtly sexual nature of the blonde's movements over Max didn't diminish, in fact they intensified, even as the sucking sensation at Max's neck grew more insistant. Moments before Max might have lost consciousness, though, as if Hailey were gauging the other woman's movements, and how sluggish they became, Hailey shoved her wrist into Max's mouth, forcing the other woman's jaw open wide enough to make her joint ache in the morning. And then Max had the choice. Drown in the hot, coppery, salty blood that pooled into her mouth with a rush, or drink it.

There was cry of soul rending loss when Hailey broke away from Max's blooded mouth. Her movements that product of a body redlined with pleasure, flaring nerves, and drug addled reflexes. It was almost completely on autopilot, offering itself with abandon. The bed was long inked with her sex to the point of dehydration, even as it continued in spite of chaffing flesh. The flash movement didn't register at all under Hailey had sunken into Max's neck and taken her first swallow. Resistance was the farthest thing, and Max was a complete slave, her head relaxing as if to offer it all, sparks of muscle fluttered and slowed to the very edge of consciousness. Pain with her jaw forced open was only signal with the emptying of her breath. The flood of copper was swallowed without even I thought, her body shaking as if she had gotten some in her lungs, but only than those compulsary convulsions, Max drank.

The cycle seemed to continue for a while. This was certainly the longest that Hailey had ever spent at Max's neck, and the dampness that had sopped the bed by now was most assuredly not Max's alone. Hailey finally tore her arm free of Max's mouth, not because Max fought her, but because she'd wedged her arm into the woman's jaw and it took a little effort to get it free. A couple of soft, gulping, sounds later, Hailey took her mouth away from Max's neck and sat up, mouth and cheeks stained red, eyes still bottomless, shining, black orbs that looked down at Max with far too much of a glimmer in them. "Sleep, Max. You need your rest. And your body needs to reknit itself so when you wake up, you'll be able to get what you crave." Leaning down, Hailey greedily licked up along Max's chest, over her throat, and along Max's cheek and lips, stealing all of the leftover traces of rich blood she could from the other woman's skin. Then she pushed herself away from Max, sliding down the other woman's body until she could climb off the bed. Hailey lifted the blanket and sheet up over Max's bare body, covering her from the chill in the room that would likely feel so much colder now. Then she slipped on her sandals, turned, and walked to the door. Looking back over her shoulder once at Max while she adjusted her robe to cover her nudity, she gave the woman a wink and a grin filled with fangs, and then left, shutting the door behind her.

By the time the cycle had finished, Max's mouth hung open. There was only a strained exhale as the weight came off of her. Her eyes were most vacant, tears running out the corners as she was licked clean. Her abdomen rippled with awareness. There was an attempt to move her hand to the apex of her thighs, but the touch of blankets was almost too much. When she did blink, her eyelids were heavy, and was almost fast asleep with the blankets were pulled up, just the quietest groan of discomfort when the weight of the blanket rest on her distended abdomen.