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Betwixt, Less Between
Dramatis Personae

Isaac. Lo'ihi as GM.

18 December, 2007

These are the Sidhe your mother warned you about.


Faerie, the Nevernever.


Plot:Blood in the Water

The smile on Isaac's face slowly fades as he takes in his surroundings, the feeling of being trapped seriously messing with his calm. "Okay...this ain't right." Slowly, he tries to take a few steps through the jelly, his head turning left and right as he looks for Volya. "Volya? Volya! VOLYA you crazy hippy!" A thought comes to him and he glances down, wondering if she could fallen through the jelly. "No, that's not right. Given how high she was, I should be looking up." And he does, almost regretting the move when he almost gets an eyeful of the sun. "Volya!"

Isaac only received silence as his answer. It lasted for all of 3 seconds. The very ground quivered and jiggled as if the massive subwoofer of reality had been turned to massive it was time for the world to dance. The distance horizon waved from the intensity of the movement. It started like a patter of rain that seemed to come from no direction at all. There were costs in the NeverNever, and it can be very unwise to call for a name. Especially if it comes as thrice. Liquid sunlight poured from the sky like molten steel, burning and bubbling the gelatin to form a pit. The molten metal coagulated at the pool, a razor hot wind twisting past Isaac that smells oddly of sunflowers. The pool of golden mercury grew into an form and that form took on a humanoid shape. "Thrice I hear you call freedom, so I appear at the Eternal Sun." The metal cooled leaving the form of a man clad in golden armour, his features were beautiful and androgynous, ears shape and pointed, his pupils slitted and cat-like just like the Sidhe. He stared at Isaac, his lips curling into a smile. "Oh... What is this delicious morsel? I believe I may just say... Yes. Yes. Yes..." His voice purred and he licked his lips. "Poor lost Nymphobus? Have you lost your mind?"

Isaac does his best to steady himself as the entire world starts to shift, his hands cupping his ears for protection against the noise. He does his best to crouch, the nature of the jelly making everything a bit odd but the survivalist in Isaac wanting to keep a low profile. The colour drains from his face when a voice echoes out in this world, his eyes closing for a moment as a mentally berates himself for his stupidity. Letting out a sigh, he licks suddenly dry lips and watches as the beams of light come down from the heavens, his eyes going wide as the humanoid shape appears from the glowing metallic pool. Unbidden, he finds himself standing, a foot taking a step forward before he forceably halts himself. Looking down, he seems to be addressing his crotch when he mutters "Oh no, not this, not again. You *do* not get a vote on this one!" Looking back up, he reaches behind his back with one hand and then looks to address the figure. "Not my mind, I just stupidly forgot the rules. If you will Sir, I will be on my way. My apologies for the interruption, I was merely trying to find a lost friend."

The Sidhe watched Isaac with the uttermost amusement, the elf was more than entertained by the physical struggles the man was dealing with. "My, my, my... So you want to find your lost friend. And..." A warm purred laugh passed his lips. The Sidhe stroke right up to Issac, the ground seemingly aiding his movements to the point the golden platemail even made a slightest of sounds. He rose an index finger to shush Isaac, "I have answered your call in stead of thy friend, so there is only the matter of payment that requires setting. It is a simple matter to settle the account." His lips turned in an upward curve, "Just one kiss."

"Wait wait, what?" Isaac screws his eyes shut, desperately trying to recall memories long since buried. "Bloody hell...okay, erm..." He seems to be talking to himself, muttering under his breath as he tries to recall the rules. "No gifts, never take anything, don't break a bargain...what the hell was it about calling someone?" It is quite impossible to ignore the presence of the warmer clad knight who is stood right next to him, so Isaac turns and smiles, doing his best in the confines to offer him a bow. "A kiss? Oh...that doesn't seem so bad. It could be a lot worse. It could be a heck of a lot worse. Erm..." Isaac spends what feels like an eternity considering his options, his eyes considering possibly escape routes and finding none. Other, less subtle options are considered but they all hinged on Isaac not being within literal snogging distance of one of his worst fears. "Okay then, given within the definitions of a kiss as I understand it and not some new colloquial term with which I might be unfamiliar. So then, yes. Okay."

The Sidhe maintained his cheshire smile as Isaac as he worked his way through his thoughts. "My, my, my... All those big thoughts with so little blood making it north of the border. I am so happy that we could come to an agreement, my little Nymphobus." The giggle that passed his lips rang like bells as he took Isaac by the hand to stand the man up. "I prefer to be the man in the relation." He winked at Isaac, his arm snaking around the man's back as Isaac was dipped backwards. The touch of warm, petal soft lips to his own sent the sensation of fire and maddening pleasure through every fiber of Isaac's being. The transformative and lifegiving hold of Summer Magic twisted Isaac's body, softening the muscles and curving the lines. Good news, was the man's erection was no longer a problem as a volley of feminine orgasms wrecked any logical thoughts that crossed Isaac's mind, bodily laid back onto the vibrating gelatin cloud. When the world stopped turning, the Sidhe was standing over him, err her. "My dear vassal... I didn't want you to be impeded by unnecessary arousal. The vassal you seek is..." The Sidhe's eyes narrowed and he pointed towards the shore. "That way. And mind you, my blessing will only last until sun down." He winked and in a flurry of rose petals, he was gone.

"Thank you..." Isaac manages to croak but only barely, the young Nymphobus looking more than a little dazed as he watches the Sidhe depart. "Well, so that's what that feels like. Oh wow..." He has to take a few deep breath, quite unwilling to move as he basks in the afterglow. "Get moving Isaac, process later!" He snarls this to himself, blinking to clear his eyes and to try and get his thoughts in order. "Blessing lasts till Sun down, okay, that's something. What was the blessing? Surely it wasn't the squishy underpants." He shakes his head and looks off in the direction that the Sidhe indicated. "Right then, no more calling of names...although...No! No more calling of names." Getting to his feet, Isaac sways a few times as the head rush threatens to topple him over. "Onwards!"

The pass to shore on gelatin ground was paintaking, but Isaac found a rhythm to moving on it before look and the shore grew closer with every hop and skip on the way. The wind seemed to aid in progress, but not without its annoyances like too long hair getting whipped or tossed in one's face and gravity causing chests to ache. It seemed like a shadow at first, but as it grew nearer, the shadows over the cove of trees seemed to sway dance against the wind and away from the shadow. One of the bushes literally pulled itself up by the roots and waddled away revealing a stone square set in the ground like the sidewalk up to someone's house.

"That was subtle..." Isaac remarks as the bush waddles away, revealing the stone path. "I suddenly feel like Goldylocks...oh gods, there better not be three hairy 'bears' in that house, I don't think I could take it." Letting out a long sigh, he mutters something uncharitable under his breath, something about hippy who go charging through rifts. Another thought comes to him then. "Oh shit, she could be just a mortal...bad things happen to mortals here." The thought spurring him on, Isaac makes his way to the path, taking absolute care to step on the squares evenly and doing his best to avoid the cracks. Taking another deep breath to calm his nerves, Isaac makes his way to the door and raps the barbers knock upon the wood.

The bush actually stopped, a branch extending in Isaac's direction and growing acrossed it. The first branch bend up in an Italian-style bird to Isaac, before it continued to saunter off. The gelatin nature of the ground gave way to burning sand. The home grow closer with each step, the woods darkening and seeming to grow closer to the man, almost making the air feel thick and crowded. As he farthered his steps down the path, the tree were bare of leaves until some looked charred and burnt. The house was a Victorian House with its turrets once proud. The windows were broken and boarded up with soot that had long clawed its way out of the home. The desk board creaked with protests under his feet, and dust fell as he knocked on the door. The house seemed to groan in reply.

"Okay, calm...remember why you're here." Isaac takes a calming breath, he examines his surrounding. "Landed in jelly, snogged a Sidhe and now I've been insulted by a bush." Pondering his words, Isaac taps an idle finger against his chin as he tries to take stock of his situation. "Did I have acid for breakfast. No, that's not it. I'm back in the Never Never, really don't want to be here. Job to do." Fumbling with his belt and working by touch, Isaac finally finds what he's looking for and extras a small LED torch, tapping the button a few times to get the right beam and then directing the light at the windows of the house, hoping that there might be some sort of crack or way to look inside. Giving up after what is only a cursory examination, he returns to the door and reaches for the handle, giving it a turn.