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Damien's Breaking

The Prodigal Son Engages

Dramatis Personae

Damien, Heath. GM: Lo'ihi

5 June, 2010

Damien meets an interesting woman at Mom's house


Eve's Estate, Windward Coast


Plot:White Music

=========================Eve's Estate=========================

Eve's house is truly the epitome of the 'modern' style. Sleek, white lines make up the bones of the house, which really only seem to line the outer most edges and create the roof. The shape itself is an elongated L, with only one story. Both the entire front and back of the house are walled in glass with a slight smokey tint to it, leaving the view into and through the residence almost completely unobscured. Everything inside is designed to go with the style of the home, sleek lines of the couches, glass tables, modern kitchen with all the amenities of a high end restaurant.

As for interior colors, mostly whites, soft beige, and gray make up the fundamentals. There are small pops of color done by way of hanging wall art, some standing sculptures. While modern and completely streamlined, no seating is left without a cushion for padding, leaving it all very comfortable, if not looking like it was carved out of marble. The bathrooms and bedrooms are separated from the rest of the open floor plan via walls of frosted glass that aren't transparent enough to actually see through, but do allow light to form silhouettes if something moves within the room.

While the front of the house is tucked into a tropical wonder of trees, bushes, and flowers, the back of the house faces the ocean and because of this, is left free of most vegetation. A huge infinity pool leaves the horizon to blend into the actual formation of the back patio and its sweeping line of white stone. There are several white reclining seats for sunbathing, and under the cover of a streamlined overhang there is a full set of outdoor furniture, including couches, all of which have white as their primary color with blue cushions.

The sky is blue and cloudless, the sunlight is bright, and a sultry wind blows from the coast. The wind rustles the bright green leaves of trees and bushes and carries pollen, downy seeds, and the fragrance of bright Hawaiian flowers along with it.

Heath had dropped a text to Damien, warning of a family experience and demanding why Damien wasn't at Eve's home yet. In truth... It was basically similar to other messages from Heath: Some form of emergency and a location. How this became code for hookers and drugs is beyond reason, but why exactly would anyone expect reason from Heath is entirely another question.

Upon arrival, Jonathan and the car was not waiting in the drive, but that was also normal as Eve made it a point to keep the man on the move.

Damien is dropped off by taxi, the young man no doubt having come from the office given the smart casual getup he is wearing. Primarily in pastel colours, a polo shirt which is open enough to help with the heat, chinos and polished brown leather boots shows he was in the 'bill them till they scream' mode for all that know him.

Paying the driver, Damien waits for the taxi to have left before straightening up and pulling out his phone. It's an exquisite and no doubt expensive black cube with a large screen that lights up once he waves a finger over it. Nodding to himself, a smile crosses his lips and he makes an effort to straighten out his clothes before stepping into the house, the thought of the festivities that await adding a little 'pep' to his step.

The front door was unlocked as per usual then someone was in the dwelling, and frankly with Eve's reputation, one would have to be more than a bit insane to start anything. The house was quiet as the front door was open. There was no busy noises from the kitchen, even if there was the marvelous scent of combined spices, and frankly one would expect that from Andrew under the eye of criticism. There was the faintest sound of a rock glass being set on the bar.

The creature that had placed it was a tall, nearly 183 cm, and gorgeous woman. She was long necked with an air of confidence. This was farther marked by the grey asymmetric dress that flowed over every curve of her body without the slightest fold or rise created by undergarments. A pleased hum escaped her as she rolled the tequila over her tongue before swallowing.

"Hello." There is a curious tone to Damien's voice as he spots the women but then also perhaps a little expectation given the message he'd received. Stepping over to the bar, he takes down a glass for himself and then fixes a drink, scotch with just the single ice cube, he's not a savage after all. propping himself up against the bar, he lets his gaze fall over the women, meeting her eyes for a scant moment before they drift off again. "I don't believe we've met miss?" There is an expectant pause at the end, Damien not one to introduce himself until he knows just what sort of guest his mother is dealing with. It's most certainly one of his mother's guests, of that he is certain. Paid company and more certainly, the company that Heath gets, always has a certain 'air' to it and he's not getting that sense now.

The woman's attention slipped to Damien, her eyes scanning down the man's body, drinking in every detail of his form, lingering on whether the man was dressed to the right or left. A youngful laugh slipped from her, "You must be Damien, your brother mentioned you'd be coming shortly." A pleased smile played on her lips as her grey eyes traced back up to Damien's face. "He mentioned that he needed to purchase a... 'Pick me up'? I can't imagine that he'll be long as it all seemed very urgent." Her bottom lip rolled back a hint for her to nibble on it as her gaze returned to Damien, and she offered her hand him. "You can call me Yvette. I hope you don't mind..." She indicated the rock glass on the bar, "Your brother suggested I make myself a drink."

Gently taking the offered hand, Damien smiles and offers a subtle nod. "Ah, he's no doubt after an energy drink or some such, I don't imagine he'll be long." He resists the urge to kiss the back of her hand, even though his initial thoughts have been proven wrong, he has no idea where the hand has been. Taking back his hand, he lifts his drink in a toast to Yvette. "I don't mind at all, the bar is stocked for just such an occasion. Cheers!" Taking a long sip, Damien shudders visibly as the alcohol hits his system. "Wonderful, the first drink of the day always goes down so nicely." There is almost a purr to his voice as he speaks, the young man subconsciously shifting from lawyer to playboy in a matter of moments. "Did Heath mention any plans for this evening, where we to go out or was the party to be here?"

Yvette's skin was soft, and her grip gentle. Another youthful laugh come from her lips as she took a step towards Damien as he fired back his scotch. Reaching out, Yvette's hand traced over Damien's shoulder and cascaded down his arm. "I was given the impression that the festivities was to leave many a limb eschew..." A pleased hum echoed in her chest, as her gaze cascaded down Damien's chest. "My schedule is all about you, so we can take our time." Her hand squeezed his forearm, testing the muscle underneath. "Really, it's as fast or as slow as you would like." Her words purred, and she took in a deep breath of his scent, lifting her breasts in the act, her nipples growing more definitive against the silky material. Her eyes went back to his glass, "Did you want me to make you another while you get comfortable?"

"If there is one thing my brother knows, it is how to throw a party." At the offer of a refill he hands her his glass and then glances to the nearby washroom. "I might just freshen up quickly, get the office smell out of my system if I can manage it. Please make yourself a drink while you are at it, I can heartily recommend the Scotch if you have a taste for it." He offers her a quick smile before stepping away and heading to the nearby bathroom, his pace unhurried as he lets his mind play over the possibilities for the evening. The sound of running water and Damien whistling a jaunty tune can soon be heard.

He steps out a couple of minutes later, a rosey glow to his well scrubbed cheeks and a general air of contentment has fallen upon him, the process of mentally winding down after a day at the office finally starting to happen.

Yvette's smile made it too her smiles as she took the glass from Damien. "As you wish, and a scotch sounds lovely." Her words held a warmth. "I rather think you smell just divine as you are." She gave Damien a wink, her eyes tracking him as he escaped the room with the impressive that she was taking in the back of him. And when he broke line of sight, her attention returned to the bar and she prepared the drinks, out with old ice and into with a new for both.

By the time Damien returned, Yvette has shed her dress, leaving it in a pool around her silver heels. Long and lean muscle up her endless legs to the undercurve of her rear, and she waited several seconds to allow him a solid view before turning to face him. Her hips swayed with the full knowledge of how a woman should move as her heels clicked over marble floor towards the couch. Her breasts, though not overly large, held a natural teardrop shape, punctuated in dark and cold-tightened areola. Her abdomen was firm, curving inward and back out to the follow the curve of her hips. Upon her mons, the hair matched her dirty blonde on her head, gloomed to a triangle pointing to the apex of her thighs. She, again, teased the back of her lips between her teeth, watching Damien, then licked her lips with the tip of her tongue. "I hope you don't mind... Your brother did tell me to make myself at home."

Making a mental note to get his brother a 'thank you' card, Damien spends a few moments drinking in the sight of Yvette, nothing being missed as she turns as Damien more than happy with what he sees. "Oh, not at all." He smiles easily and the words come out at almost a whisper, the young man more than impressed with what he is seeing. Stepping closer, he takes a breath, taking in her scent and those of the room. "What a wonderful day this is turning out to be." Stepping softly, he offers out a hand, directing Yvette towards the bar and what he hopes is a stable enough surface. "You look absolutely ravishing." There is an almost predatory look to his eyes as he gets closer to Yvette, the hunger evident in his movements and the way his breath is coming in short blasts. "Shall we make ourselves comfortable?" He grins as he speaks, his right eyebrow raising almost imperceptibly.

Yvette's youngful smile returned as she listened, but the predatory glance of Damien caused her to shiver bodily, the skin tightening over her body and her breath gaining some steam, getting her breasts a wider range of motion, crested by her diamonded nipples. Her neck arched, showing the long line of unguarded flesh as she nodded to the couch. "Is the couch comfortable enough for you? I believe if I were to guess, your lap would be the more inviting for me." Her scent was gloriously feminine and clean, hinting of honeysuckle with the peppered spices of high quality tequila on her breath. Another shiver ran through her and she bite her lip and her hips rolls with anticipation, making that feminine scent that much stronger. "Did you want the drink before?" A soft moan escaped her, "Or after?"

Damien's cell phone alarmed him of a text message.

"I think I can hold myself back just a moment so that we can both whet our whistles." Damien grins toothily with this, his gaze drifting to the couch as it is mentioned and then downwards to his lap with a smirk. "Goodness, you really do look good enough to eat." He frowns then, a buzzing in his pocket distracting him briefly. "Hold that thought!" He reluctantly steps back and reaches into his pocket for his phone, taking the opportunity to do some 'adjusting' before things get too painful. "It's probably Heath asking if I want anything." Smiling to Yvette, he flicks on the screen of his phone and reads the text. "Blinking a few times, he looks over his shoulder to the hallway that leads deeper into the house before turning back to Yvette and fixing her with a smile. "I don't suppose you've seen anyone else wandering about since you got here? Someone Italian perhaps?" He raises an eyebrow with this as he steps back towards Yvette. "I think I'll have the drink now though." Smiling, he does his best to keep concern out of his voice, the phone being slipped back in his pocket.

There was not even a hint of concern when Damien checked his phone, she even took the moment to stare longingly at the equipment that he adjusted for what she assumed was for her pleasure. She blinked, "There was your brother... The butler and the cook." She turned her head to scan the through the wall of windows facing the backyard, before she looked back to him, offering the smallest shake of her head. "I may have missed a gardener, I suppose." A youthful laugh escaped her as she passed the drink to him. She took a deep breath, turning to the side. Her free hand slipped up her sculpted abdomen, cupping her breast and squeezing it with firm pressure. The pleasured moan poured into the rock glass as she brought it to her lips and took a solid drink. Closing her eyes and letting the warmth spread down her throat and radiate to the tips of her limbs. Licking the scotch her lips, she smiled at him. "I love this house... It makes me feel so perfectly exposed."

The mention of Heath does make his ears perk up, Damien now wondering what's taking him or if he's been left alone on purpose. "If he wasn't taking the time to torment Jonathan, he must have been in a real hurry to powder his nose" Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Damien turns to face Yvette, getting an eyeful as she starts to caress herself. He takes a glass from her hand, raising it to his lips and draining half before he sets it back down on the bar. Turning, he gently places a hand on Yvette's back, lets his hand trail downwards, the fingers touching lightly. almost teasingly. "You are perfectly exposed." Damien says as he moves closer still, his breath hot and reeking of whiskey. "I'd be worried about the gardner's heart should he pass by but I'm not about to get you to cover up and we can always hire another gardner."

A bright and happy giggled escaped her, "I didn't see much of it, but I can't help to think that their relationship is complicated. The cook and Heath smelled of reefer, and there was some dismay they were smoking out front... It was cute, but..." A heated breath escaped her as her back was touch, bodily pressing forward to paint herself on the front of her body. Yvette's expression grew slack as her eyes drew in all the details of his face, her pupils blooming as she wrapped her arms over his shoulder and around the back of his neck. Her frame shivered once again, "Cute is nothing compared to this..." The corners turned upward for a split second before another moan escaped her, and she poured more of her weight on him, her legs shaking. "My legs don't want to hold me up around you."

Scene fades to black...